What a day. So much to rejoice over, and so much sadness.
Kaden learned to ride his bike today. We took the kids to the pool after church and a nice lunch out with Daddy. I guess that pays me back for Morgan’s first word being “Mama” on her first Father’s day! We enjoyed a weekend of resting and family – what a blessing that we have each other and our health. This marks 9 father’s days for Kevin… counting the one when I was pregnant with Kaden, of course. Looking back that far, we have only praise for God in all He has brought us through and to. Even in this hardship we currently are enduring, I see His unfailing grace and love. We have yet to go hungry or loose anything, other than money.
The sadness is for seeing Daddy drive away after dinner – into the setting sun without us… another long, lonely week ahead. It doesn’t make it easier that I live in a cell-tower black hole, and we have a hard time communicating while he’s gone all week. I’ve been thinking radical thoughts – like living out of a suit case in the back of my truck just to be in the same city with him all week. Or buying a travel trailer.
The facts are these – God knows how hard this is, how our finances look, and how long we can wait for a buyer. So we have to keep trusting and waiting without making unwise choices that won’t help our situation. So, if you are reading this and want to say a prayer – pray that He keeps me from packing my bags and heading out across the highway at 2$ per gallon in my SUV this week, and paying for a hotel and eating out for all four of us instead of just one of us… because, Lord knows we can’t afford that.