Kevin’s grandma died over the weekend, and we attended her funeral today. We are so very glad that she is not in pain any more, but we will miss her, and the family will never be the same. She was the silent anchor for all of us on that side of the family, but she had been very sick with cancer and strokes for so long. I am praying that she is at peace with Jesus now. We had to drive about three hours to the funeral. It was good to see family, especially those who live so far away, and those we only get to see at reunions. It was a blessing to have our realtor call on the trip home with the good news about our house.
When we arrived home, the realtor stopped by for us with a copy of the contract from a buyer who visited our house twice over the weekend. We signed the document and went over some figures, making a list of things we needed to get done this week. The offer was not as high as what we were hoping for, but we are praying that the numbers fall in our favor when the final pay-off information comes in from our mortgage company. We are planning to pay off as much debt as possible with our equity, and downsize quite a bit in our next purchase. If all goes as the contract states, we should be closing on the 29th of this month! That leaves me only two weeks to move out!
I guess we’ll be starting “school” in September instead of August this year. I’ll be sure to get my homeschool curriculum gathered up and some school supplies together so we can do a homeschool “lite” schedule while we pack and move. I have, after all, moved enough to label myself a nomad. Doing Math, Reading, Handwriting, Language, and some Geography will be easy to maintain while we are in “transit mode”. I’m sure packing and unpacking could count for physical education as well, eh? The poor kids!
I want to thank you all vehemently for your prayers. God is merciful.
Praise God! This is wonderful news!
Sorry to hear about Kevin’s Grandmother. I’m so glad to hear about your house! Isn’t God’s timing amazing! We often allow ourselves to worry, or feel beaten and even angry, but when the trial is over it’s always clear how God’s hand was in control the whole time and through the experience we grew closer to Him and became better people.
Boy, we’ll miss you! Please come and visit us before you leave!
Praise God!
Thanks guys. It has been a long time in coming, but it is a breath of sweet relief. At least, financially… we feel a deep sense of sadness over leaving our friends and church family behind here. This will always seem like home in our hearts… so maybe one day, we’ll return! Wherever God leads, I’m sure it’s the best path.
Dear Heather,
I’ve read some of your comments on and have found them to be a wonderful “light” in a very dark place. I wanted to write and let you know that Anna Mercedes is my ex-wife. I find the things she writes very desturbing, because she was never like that. She left our marriage several years ago because she said that she felt guilty about our heterosexual marriage. She was a beautiful woman who desired to have a family and children, and a marriage that glorified God. And one Friday she decided she wanted to throw it all away. I’ve been single ever since. I’m still trying to heal from some things left over, trying to discover who I am again, trying to hear from God what He desires from me. Anna doesn’t talk to me, and she blocks my post from her web-site. It’s very sad for me. I thought that I would give you a perspective of Anna that doesn’t come across on her web-site. It seems that you might be trying to win her back to Christ. I hope that you are able. Peace! Trevor
Congrats! Is this the house in which you just painted the kitchen???
Congratulations on selling your house, I know it’s such a bittersweet feeling, on one hand you are so happy, on the other you really want to stay. That’s a SHORT escrow! You’ll be in our prayers as you pack and move.
I am so sorry about your your husband’s Grandmother.