She was right. I didn’t want it. But, I was sure glad it wasn’t a call from a state trooper telling me my husband had died in a car accident on the way home from commuting between another city. I know that the devil wants my marriage. I’m glad to say that with Jesus’ help, he won’t have it. We’re going to trust in the Lord and wait for Him to save us from our crisis. Unlike the kids in Lemony Snicket, we have a hope that will not disappoint us.
Yesterday’s post, which I never got around to typing out because of obvious distractions, was about the emails I have gotten regarding Starbucks. I love me a Frappuccino – a Grande Decaf Hazelnut Coffee Frappuccino, to be exact. Yet, I can break my habit and drink coffee at home. Coffee Mate’s Hazelnut Creamer is good enough for me. Here are the two links that you should see regarding Starbucks and their support of the ‘agenda’. I have no problem with people who are gay. I don’t hate them. I just don’t agree with the sin of homosex or the “agenda” being taught in public schools and workplaces. I also don’t want to fund events that have known sexual predators working around children. So, with a sad wave farewell, I bid my drive-thru coffee habit good-bye. At almost 4$ a cup, it won’t hurt my checkbook either.
Be sure to check out the article “Starbucks: A habit easily broken” by By Meghan Kleppinger © 2005 …
And check out the image of a Latte being served near you from the Baptist Press News .
Have a great weekend! God is GOOD!
Oh, I’m sooooo sorry about the house. I know that everything happens for a reason and that it will work out. But, in the meantime how frustrating is that. What happens now? I’ll be praying for you guys that this deal either miraculously goes through or an even better one comes along soon.
Thanks for the information about Starbucks. What a shame! I will get the word out to all of my friends and family. I have to admit, I am going to miss those java chip frappuccinos with an extra shot of espresso. I wonder if I could get the recipe of the net?
This is somewhat off the topic, but I thought you would appreciate this:
Well, at least you get to enjoy your pretty kitchen a little longer. 🙂
Thanks my blogging buddies. Nice to have someone to commiserate with.
Linda – Only the Lord knows what happens now. We are, and always have been, at His mercy. Thanks for the prayers. We need them – if only for our sanity. I know that God has plans to prosper and not harm us. We may just not be finished learning whatever lesson He’s teaching right now.
Dani – LOVE that link. Thanks so much! Yes, I’ll miss my “Buckie’s” (a favorite Friday evening trip for hubby and I after he came in town from commuting and we ate dinner). We could only afford the trip once a week… but I just couldn’t live with myself if I continued to support them. I have about five different recipes for the drinks. You can find them on the net. I’ll practice with a few and post my favorite on my foodie blog (
Keer – Thanks for the sympathy. Yes, I love the paint. We plan to do the same when we find another house. Problem is, I already packed my kitchen up (we’ve been digging in boxes this weekend to find a few utinsils and pots). It is down to bare bones downstairs – nothing but furniture, boxes, and my desk (with it’s smattering of paperwork and junk that couldn’t be packed just yet).
Oh no!!! I am SO very sorry about the house. I can’t imagine how stressful that is. You sound so nice and calm on your blog.
For now I’ll go check out the coffee info. I actually never liked starbucks, much preferred SBC, but now I hear that Starbucks bought them out.
Hi, Heather!
I am so sorry about your house not selling, Heather. Seems like God has other plans for ya’ll, huh? 🙂
I think it’s very admirable that you check out movies before you let your kids see them. I’ve had a really hard time dealing with Hollywood since we all got dragged into seeing Shrek 2. It was so sad for the kids. They couldn’t understand Pinochio wearing women’s underwear. My son was badgered, too, for not knowing what a thong was! So, now we check them out before hand, too. Since then, I sometimes want to skip the whole media scene. Isn’t that sad? Where am I supposed to get my entertainment?! 🙂
And my coffee, too?!
Thanks Sheri and Veronica. We do have hope… my in-laws have loaned us the money to get caught up with mortgage payments, and we’ve shown the house four times this past week. I expect a busy real-estate showing weekend, as well… coming up. I have a feeling we’ll have another contract very soon!
As for the movies… we don’t always pre-view, but if I have any reason to doubt the content, I do. I never took the kids to see Shark Tales (didn’t like the Bratt looking fish on the front cover). I try and prevent not only violence and foul language, but also relationship issues (such as kids who really sass their parents, or anything with sexual overtones). I don’t let the kids watch the 2nd Star Wars movie for this reason (although they watch most all the others). I am glad we didn’t go see the second Shreck! I hadn’t heard about the thong yet. WOW! I do know this much… the first Shreck made me want to kick myself for letting the kids see most of it.