Where are the spotlights and reporters? Certainly not aiding the rural communities in Mississippi who have been devistated by Katrina. It is a good thing the internet and email are around to tell their story… or they might not have anyone to champion their cause. If you have not donated to help the people of Mississippi, please consider doing so.
Read more about their urgent needs as they wait without food and water behind blocked roads for aid: “Who Will Aid Rural Parts of the State” by Hattiesburg American
And this: “Forgotten People in Miss. Grow Desperate” by the Washington Post
Donate Now: Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Efforts (Read their Front Page. They have already sent trucks to Mississippi)
Technorati Tags: mississippi, Mississippi, Katrina, hurricane, Hurricane Katrina, hurricane-katrina, flood aid, disaster relief, emergency response, victims, Donate, Charity, Aid, Relief
Hi, we have started a list called Homeschoolers Helping Homeschoolers during Katrina, HHHKatrina on yahoogroups. Having been flooded myself, we wanted to reach out to help in some way. We have almost 200 people on there ready to help when they know a need. IF you know a homeschool family who has been hit by Katrina, please let this list know.
Thanks for your efforts to help those over looked in this tragedy. We in the state are doing what we can to get help to those who need it.
Thanks guys, for the comments. That’s good to know, Jube!