Quick Update
Finally, we have an apartment picked out, a light bill scheduled to be turned on, and a date for move-in… this Friday. A light at the end of the tunnel is shining!!!
Tomorrow, I’ll be renting furniture… something I’ve never done before. Even old dogs can learn new tricks. I’m wondering what would be cheaper… to travel back to Texas and rent a small U-haul and sort through our storage to pick a few things to bring back…. or just to rent a few pieces of furniture and buy everything else new from Wal-Mart? What do you do when you have no pots, pans, towels, sheets, etc.? This move has really been like starting over for us (from scratch). Humility at it’s finest. God be praised, because I certainly don’t need to be thinking it was anything I ever did that got me into my 2,500 sf house we sold. Pride is bad. The pain we go through when God strips it away is worth it. Maybe I can hit some garage sales this weekend as well. Hmmmm?
Thank You
I just wanted to check in to say thank you for allowing me to rant and rave in here while we’ve been going through our house sale, relocation, and lodging search. I know it hasn’t made for very interesting blogging, so you get lots of blog-brownie points for reading anyway!
Foodie Stuff
I’m going to add a recipe or two to my Gathering Manna blog tonight… so stop in for some fall-ish fare.
Photo Link
And here’s a link for tomorrow’s THURSDAY CHALLENGE photo for the contest entitled “FAST”. This was a previous post that came to mind when I heard this week’s subject.
Today’s Prayer Highlights
Praising God for the Texas Voter Results on Banning Gay Marriage last night (sad that the KKK had to stain the victory with their retarded Austin rally, though), for our apartment we’re moving into this weekend, and for my husband’s job. Praying for my friend at Routon Family Homeschool who’s in a bit of a funk, for my friend Ammie’s dad, for Cannon’s liver transplant surgery (he’s a little boy from Austin who just found out a liver is available), for my mom, my friend Christi, my cousin, and my financial difficulties of late… and for us to be able to get back to homeschooling soon!
God bless you and yours. Have an awesome Wednesday, and early Thursday! I’ll probably not blog again until tomorrow afternoon.
Technorati Tags: Life, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Home School, home-school, Texas
When my friends moved to Texas from Washington state, they shipped the books ahead, put everything they wanted to keep in their car and drove to Texas — planning on buying everything else they needed there.
Check out Craig’s List if there is one close for deals:
http://seattle.craigslist.org/ (Cities to the right hand side)
Also see if there is a freecycle local to you: http://www.freecycle.org/
One more praise. Katie Wernecke was returned to her parents!
Your blog is interesting to read in spite of your “rant” because we care about you, and all the twists and turns of your story are interesting. It’s amazing to see how God is working out the details of your lives in a completely different manner than you, or anyone else imagined.
And, your attitude through your trials is encouraging. If you can do this, then we can handle our daily stresses. May God richly bless you and your family as you struggle to make the best decisions in not-so-great circumstances. You continue to be in our prayers.
Look for a local Goodwill or Salvation Army store. You can pick up pots, pans, cups, plates, bowls, and a variety of other necessities while you are there. You don’t need a matching set of dishes right now. You just need something to eat off of. I feel bad because I recently took my old set of Corelle to the Goodwill store. I could have sent it to you. Go look at your local Goodwill and grab someone else’s set! :o)
You guys are great. Thanks for the tips. My winter clothes happen to be in storage, too! But that’s OK. I can wear the few long sleeves I have under the coats we brought. I don’t need to be a fashion queen. 🙂 Kevin offered me two of his sweatshirts (company shirts! uck!), and although they are men’s sweatshirts and kind of ugly, they are warm and oversized, and will work just fine! My mom got the kids a few things from the store as well, since their winter clothes are in storage, too! As you can see, we were planning to be moved in to a house and unpacked by now!
PRAISE GOD THAT KATIE WERNECKE WAS RETURNED HOME!!!!!!!!!!! On my way to read the news on her blog (Prayers for Kate)…