One of my favorite people sent me one of my favorite Texas holiday treats in the mail yesterday. I thought I would share the secret of his holiday gift success with all of you mail-order gift exchangers out there who love to mail presents. Your family and friends will thank me later. I actually resort to hiding these after sharing a few when the box first gets opened. You should see me sneaking around munching on them in secret so the kids (but mainly the snack-devouring husband) won’t find out! Click the title of this post to view the Sweet Taste of Texas website. You’ll be glad you did (and so will the gym you have to sign up with later)!
My Boaz's Ruth says
Neat, the ones I’ve been buying are River Street Sweets (A South carolina company my parents introduced me to)
Sprittibee says
These are my ace in the hole. 😉 I get a box of them every year from Papa John and he’s on my favorite list for sending them! Tee hee.