My poor family has had two nights of greasy burgers and fries and Daddy is off work today and tomorrow, helping me do a small bit of school with the kids. They balked at doing Math and Language worksheets today because of the long break they have had. We have done little school since Thursday last week when I went down for the count. I was a little wreckless this weekend when we had visitors and took the kids to play laser tag (while popping 3 ibuprofen)… and I think I made the situation worse for my neck. I thought about doing “Bed-School”… but it hurts to move my neck up and down, side to side… so looking down at a book/papers is difficult. Even this laptop is straining me. The heating pad is not hot enough. The pills are scarce – and I need them to help me sleep… so I’m saving them for later… making the days longer for want of them. Neck injury or not, school must go on. I guess I need to assume my neck is going to continue hurting and just get piles of stuff together for the kids to tackle even if Mommy is in bed for a while.
So, say a prayer for my neck to heal… and for these papers I’m sending the tax man tomorrow to bring us back good news of large refunds! Hopefully I’ll be back to my regular blogging, homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, paperworking, lesson-planning self very soon. I know my family will be glad to have the ship running smoothly again. I’ll be glad when Morgan can’t say that “Mommy smells like a Tic-Tac” anymore (because of the wintergreen mint smell of the Icy-Hot cream).
Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, Prayer, Humor, Productivity, Funny, Trouble, Homeschool, Planning, Home School, Hurt, Sick, Life, Injury, Children, Parenting
My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery neck pain is one of the worst
Awwwww….I’m so sorry! Neck pain is awful…and most of the time we don’t have a clue what caused it. Praying that you wake up tomorrow MUCH improved. Blessings ~ Patricia
I hope you’re feeling better soon!!!! (And by the way, maybe it’s allergies but I didn’t think you smelled like a tic tac. LOL)
Thanks Char, Patricia, and Amanda!
And especially Amanda (who brought me DRUGS). 😉
I’m taking my last muscle relaxer tonight when I go to bed.
I love my friends! Thanks for the prayers guys. And even those of you who lurk in here and then call me (or email) – you know who you are – … thanks to you also. 🙂