With both birthdays out of the way for 2006, my neck on the mend, and piles of paperwork taking over my desk/life… I am going to try and get caught up in real-time before tackling blog projects. I did, however, get ONE recipe posted on my foodie blog. We eat a lot of international foods, and falafels are a favorite dish in our house… so I posted a good recipe I found on the internet for making them without a mix. We can’t get mixes here for some reason. I miss many of the conveniences I was used to in Texas (restaurants, grocery items, cheap drycleaning, homeschool resources, etc).
I also thought I would share a link with you that I have found interesting this week:
Ice Man DNA Article
I will leave you on that note (since I don’t have the energy to write more), and hit the pillow… Happy Valentines Day tomorrow and I hope your week is sweet!