The other day, I quoted some scripture to Kevin about how “a prudent wife is from the Lord” (Proverbs 19:14 – Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD).
He smiled and looked at me and said, “Then where are YOU from?” Ha!
He’s so funny. Pray for Kev if you think of it today and tomorrow. He has to go to work – even in the ice storm. Being from Texas, we don’t have to drive on ice that often (and look stupid doing it)… so I’m praying not to be worried.
He called me and told me he was at work safe after he got there today. Tomorrow, though, it is supposed to be icy again (and may be more solid than the sludge we had today). My kids are begging me to go out in it. It sounds like sand falling from the sky on the windows.
So… what’s an ice-day look like for homeschoolers?
Well… here’s our list (of course, we start our days later than most since Kev is working 12-9 shift):
Time with DaddyAM ChoresTypingBible – Job 28 (Rocks & Wisdom), a few Psalms, etc./DiscussionWrite Bible Memory Verse – Job 28:18bPM ChoresLibrary BooksRock PaintingLook up Lizards, draw lizards on rocks to paint tomorrowRead through Enchanted Learning’s Geology Pages
Thank You CardsRock Website (Test)Researching our favorite Mineral
Writing About it
Language WorksheetsMath WorksheetsGathering up Crystals for friends…Watching Kent Hovind’s Creation Seminar 4 about the Geologic Column LieTaking photos of our rock collection for our lapbook
Getting Photos of our rock collection printed for our lapbook
Scrapbooking our Lapbook
Crystals in the Mail for Pals
Visualize World Geography
Write to Pen Pals
Start our Timeline
Gathering up all the library books and making a trip to the library
Ordering our Solar System books online (putting them on hold at library)
Watching Rocks and Minerals videos
Hopefully we can get everything checked off. We’re moving on to Solar System/Seasons Monday… er, I mean Friday or Saturday. I can’t wait!
Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, Lists, Getting Things Done, Prayer, Snow Days, Winter, Homeschool, Bad Weather, Home School, KONOS, Teaching, Lesson Plans, Ice, Children, Parenting
I just found your blog while blog surfing. That is a very nice picture of both you and your dh. I’ve never heard of homeschooling ice before, I’m going to have to read a bit more.
God Bless you
I was feeling very overwhelmed looking at all you hoped to accomplish in one day…just checked in again (have you on my google reader) and I am feeling much better after seeing what was actually crossed off…
Howdee Cathy. Hmmmm. Maybe I should have clarified… I’m homeschooling children, but we’re having an “Ice Day” because of the storm here. 🙂 Welcome.
Phyllis… I finally checked off my last bit after we finished. Daddy gets home at 9:30 and we usually go to bed at 11pm (all of us)… so we did school until he came home. Most of it was spent in complete tangent – enthralled by something on google (skinks, minerals, etc.) and painting our rocks. We still have much of the painting to finish tomorrow. We had to look at all of them and figure out what they resembled first and then we painted them all with a base color. Tomorrow is the detail! We drew our skinks on a few rocks also… since those rocks won’t need a base coat. I’ll be sure to post a photo of the rocks when we are done. This has been a long awaited and much desired project since we started this unit… so it is fitting that it is how we are ending it. I almost never cross off my entire list. I tend to overset my achievement bar. It tends to make me feel really miserable all the time… and I have been told that I should lower my standards. I think that’s wise advice… but have a hard time doing it.
so how much do you like konos. I never heard of it until you. We use Weaver, b/c it is really hands on, but I am unsure if I will use it again.
Hey TS – I emailed you. 😉