Mark your calendars!
Arlington Home School Book Fair
Books (and more!)
The best Homeschool Book Fair in Texas is soon approaching. I’ve been to book fairs in a few other cities in Texas, but Arlington always takes the cake in my opinion. We are out of state this year, but we may try and get over that way anyhow. I just can’t imagine missing it!
Pre-Registration by Mail (if postmarked by April 14, 2006) is only $3.00 per person (ages 2 to 17) and $5.00 per person (aged 18 and over) with no charge for infants 23 months or younger. But if you wait until the event and pay at the door, the charges start at $ 5.00 per person (ages 2 to 17) or $10.00 per person for adults. The registration fee is the same whether you attend one or both days. They also offer FREE registration to those who volunteer to help at the Book Fair. More information and printable PDF registration forms can be found at their website (linked above).

Texas-Sized Coasters
Another added bonus to attending the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair is Six Flags Over Texas “Homeschool Day”. Usually, the event falls on the Thursday before the book fair (the day before), and is closed entirely to the public. Word of mouth through homeschool email lists is most likely the way everyone gets information regarding this event. The Six Flags website rarely has any information that is helpful for getting tickets to the event until the last minute. If you look at their calendar, it shows the date blocked off as “Closed for Private Event” and yet doesn’t list the name of the event. I called them earlier today to check and make sure that the event was still on. The attendant I spoke with assured me that although the event was not visible from the website, it was definitely scheduled. You won’t regret getting tickets for this fun-filled day because lines are small and you get to cover much more park for the money! Last year, I attended this event with only three other homeschool moms and we rode every roller coaster there (some more than once). It is hard to pick a favorite.
In case you can’t make it to the Homeschool Day at Six Flags Over Texas Arlington, you can always set up your own group rate. The park boasts that they will lower tickets through May 15th for groups of 10 or more (and give you a complimentary chaperone ticket for every 20 tickets you pre-package). Check out their group page for more details.
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Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, Book Fair, Homeschool, Curriculum, Home School, Education, KONOS, Convention, Texas, Homeschool Events, Summer, Field Trips, Roller Coasters, Fun
Hi! haven’t been blog-surfing lately…didn’t forget about your rocks either, just hasn’t been warm enough outside to find any!
we looked at the San Antonio area as a POSSIBLE move…it’s just in talk stage at the moment…i forgot you were in Texas…i owe you another email now! 😉
Sprittibee said…
Sprittibee said…
Hi Barbara. We still love rocks, even though we are studying outer space. The kids found some rocks today they added to the collection when we went on our field trip to a discovery-type museum.
As for San Antonio, it is a lovely vacation spot near the river walk, but we have never lived there. The outskirts around San Antonio (New Braunfels and San Marcos) are favorite retirement areas because everyone loves the scenery there. Anywhere in the Hill Country is nice. Further South, in “Bluebonnet Country” are the rolling hills and praries that Blue Bell ice cream swears is “Cow Heaven”. And the piney-woods of East Texas and Huntsville/Conroe (just North of Houston) are also pretty. I haven’t ever lived in Galveston, Amarillo, or El Paso, but I have been through to visit almost everywhere in Texas. As a Texas fan, I’m a bit partial… as you can probably see!
A great website to visit if you are interested in learning more and seeing a virtual tour of the state is See Texas. It has lovely photos, interesting facts, and offers a selection of free (glossy, high-quality) maps and tour books.
The Arlington book fair ROCKS!! It’s my absolute favorite. We went to Six Flags this past weekend and will never go again until Homeschool Day. The kids out there were brave in their choice of words and their actions. Too much for me to handle. Although it was a great time to talk to my oldest about “taming the tongue”. We will try the Homeschool Day, I’m sure it will be much better. I’m so excited about the bookfair. Will you go for both days? I went last year for one day, but I think I’ll go for both this year and take my 13 yo dd with me this time. On another note, I’m praying for your nursing to go better. I know it can be such a challenge. I pumped for my preemie for 6 months before he came home, so I know you can do it, hang in there!!!