I don’t LIKE this schedule (I’d rather him work 6-4 and us do school from 8-4…) but we do what we have to so the kids can benefit from BOTH parents. They love their daddy so much, and it is so good for them to get to be with him. It would make the week so much longer for him if they were asleep when he got home from work and working on school while he was here in the morning.
The other thing I don’t like about him working late is having to eat without him here. When he is home, we cook nice meals… but when he is at work, the children and I eat fast foods (tonight was frozen pizza and lunch was Frito pie). YUCK. I feel yucky tonight… go figure. I bet you can guess that I haven’t lost any weight either. What was your first clue? I also made a layered eclair for us to eat after dinner. My son said he was “addicted” to it after the first bite. I wish I had waited until Saturday night to make it so I could have taken it to the Sunday lunch after church. It scares me that it is sitting in the refrigerator… waiting on me. I am safe tonight… but tomorrow I might get “stomach-bloating-amnesia”. That’s when the real trouble starts.
In light of my upset tummy and tired body and mind… I thought I would share with you a few interesting links that you might want to check out (since there’s a lack of interesting stuff on my blog today):
You just have to check out this post. Especially if you are an ADD mom like me. If you don’t know if you have ADD, read this creative mom’s list of symptoms! I think she’s been watching me secretly.Well it’s about time we woke up and figured this out. I mean, really. If all you feed your kids is chicken fingers and fries, are you really that surprised if they won’t try grandma’s green bean casserole? This site just really interested me. Seems they have had success feeding preschoolers tempeh, Gouda cheese, daikon radishes, persimmons, parsnips, and more. That’s just awesome. I bet kids in other cultures don’t have the same eating problems they do here in America. I bet little Indian kids eat – yep – you guessed it…. Indian food!This site looks really interesting. I’ve heard lots of good things from other homeschoolers about it. I hope to check it out when I have free time. I know, I know… I can hear you saying, “Free time… what’s that?”REPORT CARD TEMPLATES (and more)This site is really awesome. I’m going to link it in my sidebar … here’s that phrase again: when I have some free time.Well, someone has to make a list. I’d rather list reasons to homeschool than people to kill. Sheesh!
Mike works a gosh awful schedule (4pm-2:30 am). But since he gets home so late I usually try to have the kids up EARLY so we can complete most of our school before he even rolls out of bed…then lunch is our main meal each day. It’s hard trying to adjust to these odd schedules. July 22 he gets to go back to a 4am-2:30 pm shift…SO much better.
How does one explain food preferenes in some members of a family and not others? I ate anything and everything, but my sister ate — well, Snickers. pizza. and that’s about it. (Oh and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) So we had a lot of pizza (and never homemade for some reason)
ADD…The problem is, you have to remember to remind yourself to remember to USE the stuff on that list! LOL I, personally, do not excell in remembering to remember!