This from Newsweek Online (Oct. 31, 2005):
“For the last six months,” she says, “people have been sending e-mails saying, ‘What are you doing next?’ And I’ve told them, ‘You may not want what I’m doing next’.” We’ll know soon. In two weeks, Anne Rice, the chronicler of vampires, witches and—under the pseudonym A. N. Roquelaure—of soft-core S&M; encounters, will publish “Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt,” a novel about the 7-year-old Jesus, narrated by Christ himself. “I promised,” she says, “that from now on I would write only for the Lord.” It’s the most startling public turnaround since Bob Dylan’s “Slow Train Coming” announced that he’d been born again.
Her new book “Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt” already has been a best seller, and the Christian crowds are welcoming her with open arms, although some are choosing to test her newest novel against the scriptures (which is always a good idea – with ANY book).
Basically, I explained to Morgan that while Anne used to write about Vampires, now she writes about Jesus… and that is part of the miracle of what God does for you – He changes your focus and makes you a better person. Sometimes it happens slowly, and other times it happens quickly… but if God is truly “on your insides”, you are bound to keep growing in the right direction. I welcome Anne Rice’s heart-change and pray that God keep her protected from the enemy (who would probably rather keep her writing books about creatures of the dark and ungodly deeds). I pray that each day, she is given new insight and truth into God’s Word and will for her life…. and that He makes her path straight. That is all we can pray for any person who was once lost and is now saved (like we all were/are at one time). We pray for the conversion to be real, for the Lord to clean and make new, and for their name to be found in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
After our discussion, we went about our daily business and later that night, my seven year old daughter brought me a letter she had written in her own free time – TO ANNE RICE. I didn’t ask her to write it, and never imagined such a thing! It made reading it all that much sweeter. I love to see that my little girl has a heart for others.
Here’s Morgan’s letter:
Dear Anne Rice,
Hello, my name is Morgan. My mommy and Daddy want to get your book about Jesus! I am a Christian 🙂 I am glad you are a Christian too 🙂 I have a kitty named Minga, she is very bratty. I am seven in case you ever thought I was grown up 🙂 I homeschool and do KONOS 🙂 Do you like cats? I do! My second favorite animal is a Horse. 1st err, Cat. Is your hair short? Mine is. Is it pretty where you live? What is your favorite animal? Where do you live? What is your favorite food? Mine is a Baked Potatoe. I live in Texas. Wellll I used to, but now I live in ARKANSAS and we live in a dull apartment and we used to be in a house. Please wright back. Bye Bye.
… and by the way I know you are going to choose to wright back 🙂
My Daddy blushed when I read this letter out loud 🙂 Haha!Love, Morgan
(she drew a cat and a horses face on the letter also)
Technorati Tags: Opinion, People, Christianity, God, Conversion, Jesus, Change, Authors, Homeschool, Writing, Heart, Compassion, Letter, Children, Kids, Sweet, Christian, Anne Rice, Book Review
I hope she writes back.
Thanks BigWhiteHat. 🙂 I’ll letcha know if I get a return reply. I do suggest that everyone read the link I provided about her book, however. I had a friend read it and she told me that it was far from scriptural.
Hi, there! Your daughert’s the sweetest! I want to buy the book, so I started visiting the sites Google offered, and I came to see your page. I’m a christian too, and when I found that Anne Rice had written a book about my Lord, I was so looking forward to reading it! I’ll write again when I had done so. My name is Tatiana, by the way, and I’m from Uruguay, in South America, but I can speak English (as you can see). I hope you write back, it’s always a pleasure to meet one of my sisters.