We are gearing up to dye some eggs today and make some fun crafts with the shells. I’m also going to make a “holiday tree” of some sort to begin our Seasons Unit so we can hang little ornaments on it for each season, holiday, and member of our family’s birthday. That project is part of our KONOS curriculum, and sounds really fun!
I also wanted to share with you all a few great products that would make Easter and Passover learning fun! Click the picture to go to the website if you want to read more about the product….
We have used the Resurrection Eggs in last year’s co-op class with the 5 and 6 year olds, so I have experienced them first hand…. they are GREAT! You can buy them at your local Christian store. A friend of mine who attends a Messianic Jewish Congregation (Jews who believe that Jesus is the Messiah – in other words, Jewish Christians!) sent me the link to the Bag of Plagues toys. We read the story of Passover the night before last here at my house, and today, we’ll be reading about the crucifixion and resurrection.
I think I may make the Easter Tomb cookies for the first time. Anyone want to point me to their favorite recipe? I think I got one on email, but I haven’t checked it out yet. Let me know if you are doing a special Easter Craft in my comments section. I would love to hear about YOUR family’s Easter Traditions.
This year, we are away from family for the first time, so we are all on our own. Daddy has to work, so we’ll be going to church by ourselves. We got Kaden an Easter dress shirt and sweater yesterday. Morgan is wearing last year’s pink sleeveless sun-dress since she can still fit in it. I’ll come back in later tonight and post a photo or two of our projects if we manage to complete them before then! God bless you and your family and may you have a special and glorious Passover/Easter!
Technorati Tags: Bible, Passover, Christian, Kids, Homeschool, Sunday School, Lesson, Learn, Family, Messianic, Jewish, Toys, Spring, Fun, Teaching, Christianity, God, Easter, Children
Hey sweetie, try this one. HAPPY EASTER!!
Thanks Amanda! 🙂 We have our tree made and our eggs dyed. The kids are painting glitter from a kit on the eggs we dyed right now. Next stop is the kitchen for some cookie-baking and a great lesson. 🙂
Happy Easter to you and your family Sprittibee! We eat lots of pork products on Easter – that is one nice tradition.
This year will be the first in many that big daddy will be able to come to church with us on Easter. He was always working. Many an Easter was spent without him so I know how it is. Have a blessed day!
Happy Easter to You Griz! It isn’t like we don’t get to see him… we are very thankful that he’s home with us in the mornings and late evenings. Last year for three months, he had to commute between cities 300 miles one way and stay away all week – so we only saw him on weekends (late Friday, all day Saturday, and until late afternoon Sunday). It is much better living as a family again! 😉
Happy Easter to you and yours! We to have to spend this day without dad. We made resurrection rolls this afternoon. It was so much fun. The kids enjoyed learning about Jesus with some hands on activities. The rolls came out great and tasted good too!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!