Kevin found a great website this morning that has a great Science section with awesome flash animated quizzes. Kaden played on the site all morning and was doing a lot of the 10-11 year old stuff (he just turned 9). He was really proud of himself for being so “smart”. We enjoyed clicking the sound buttons and listening to the British people read the questions off. We love foreign accents in our family, and all of us do a few of them relatively well! Morgan’s friend let her borrow a My Little Pony movie, and she’s been watching that this morning. I’ve been putting off the dreaded dish disaster in the kitchen. I guess it’s time to buckle down and get to work.
My kids are doing three days worth of standardized testing next week, so our school week is shot. I’m going to start Seasons after that. One of the projects we most anticipate is making an All-Season Tree and home-made ornaments for each holiday we study. We really should be doing animals this week, but we may skip animals and do that next year instead to make up lost time. My kids know a lot about animals anyway… since we are animal lovers and have tons of books on animals in our home-library. Kaden told me this morning that our “Light” unit really helped him to do well on the BBC quiz he took this morning. I was amazed he even remembered it!
Now that I’m done with my 2003-4 Homeschool Series, I’m going to get the records out for 2004-5 and start preparing my First and Second Grade info for posting. We had so much fun in 2004-5. It was one of our favorite years ever. We were part of a great weekly, local (non-KONOS) co-op that added so much to our academic year. My kids were in choir for the first semester of school. We had a long list of wonderful field trips, also. We did more fun KONOS units, including: Horses, Elections/Presidents/Government, Ecology/Conservation, Physical Science (not a KONOS unit), Stewardship of Time, and the beginning of Stewardship of Money. We ended our year a little early because I had to work full time for the entire summer while we were trying to sell our home. The kids enjoyed playing with my friends’ kids and spending time with their grandma while I was working. We finally sold the house in late August, and closed on it in early September (the day that school started THIS SCHOOL YEAR, I think! – more moving!). We all have very fond memories of 2004-5!
As soon as I get myself organized (the house cleaned, school done for today, etcetera) I’ll sit down and start compiling my 2004-5 spreadsheet. Hopefully I can get that section of the Homeschool Series done before my website is re-done. I can’t wait to see the final “face” of Sprittibee’s Blog in early June. After I get the series up, I’ll start back on “Field Trip Foto Friday” again, and share the pictures we have (and links) to some of the field trips we mentioned for 2003-4 and 2004-5. Be sure to visit again! This site is updated daily (or almost every day!).
Have a great FRIDAY, and a wonderful weekend!
Technorati Tags: Homeschooling, Food, Plans, Fun, KONOS, Curriculum, Housework, Blogging, SAHM, Unit Studies, Teaching, Learning, Friends, Children, Parenting, Life
I just linked over and printed out your lasagna roll-ups, thanks. Funny thing is is once a week I let my DC make dinner–it’s for school, and they LOVE IT! They picked lasgna today, so I’ll ask them if they’d rather make this…I’ll let you know, I don’t know if I’ll get away with putting the spinach in it though.
BTW, if you need some one to clean toilets, you know who to call-LOL!
God Bless,
No problemo… Who is your DC? Daughter, Son, Husband, or just Child? I count some of the home-ec stuff we do in the kitchen, too. It depends on what we are learning about. We did an edible volcano once that was pretty cute. It was basically a glorified shepherd’s pie idea from Family Fun. I like the roll-ups better with wheat noodles, no spinach, fresh rosemary in the sauce, and pepperoni instead of italian sausage (I cut the pepperoni really tiny and fry it up with the onions and garlic before I pour the water and paste in the pot).
We did our toilets yesterday, come to think of it. 🙂 I thought of you smiling with that lovely toilet brush in hand! Wish I was doing the CHCHC… but alas – I’m overwhelmed with projects.
Here’s my list:
Get school complete for the day
Make Menu
Finish grading last week’s papers
Start on 2004-5 Homeschool Series spreadsheet
Finish Rock Lapbook and Painting Rocks
Cook Dinner
Better get off here and tend to the list….
I left a comment on my blog in response to yours…