Well, all seems to be working as far as the re-design goes (the site meters are back up after I re-installed the code in my template). There may be a few aesthetic tweaks that have yet to be done, but I’m really tired of messing with it, and would rather be back to posting – rather than HTML editing. I’m going to take some time off from blogging a bit this week (maybe post every other day instead of every day) so I can get all my lists checked off and cram as much school into this coming week as possible. With the year gearing down and kids infected by summer-itis, the more school we can get finished, the better. I have a great many projects we need to complete by school’s end also, and I have tunnel vision for that coming month of break in August.
I was really touched by a song we sang today at church. I thought I would share it. It was written in 1837 by John R. Wreford. I’m sure there’s a story behind it. I have a book about hymns that I could look it up in, but – alas – it’s in storage.
When My Love to Christ Grows Weak
When my love to Christ grows weak,
When for deeper faith I seek,
Then in tho’t I go to thee,
Garden of Gethsem-a-ne!
There I walk amid the shades,
While the lingering twilight fades,
See that suffring, friend-less One,
Weeping, praying there alone.
When my love for man grows weak,
when for stronger faith I seek,
Hill of calv-a-ry! I go…
To thy scenes of fear and woe.
There behold his agony,
Suffered on the bitter tree;
See His anguish, see His faith,
Love triumphant still in death.
Then to life I turn again,
Learning all the worth of pain,
Learning all the might that lies
In a full self-sacrifice.
Oh, how lovely are those words. I hope that if you needed a spiritual lift today like I did, you will find comfort in their beauty and truth.
God bless and Happy Lord’s Day.
Buzz Words: Hymns, Christian, Design, Blog, Blogging, Homeschool, Problems, Homeschooling, Refreshed, Summer, Hope, Jesus, Church, Spiritual, Songs, Poetry