This post is a ‘backpack’ full of homeschool (and other) links that I’ve come across this week which turned my head. I think each is worth the read, and wanted to save them here on my blog for further inspection as time permits. I figured I’d share the joy and spread these links around (much like kids share peeks at the contents of their backpacks and delight over new school supplies).
Hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
Praying Backwards –
Winners of the 2006 Blogs of Beauty Awards – A Gracious Home (Congrats to Winners – one of my nominations won!)
ABCDEF Meme – Bioluminescence (note to self – do this one day)
Link for Screwtape Letter Worksheets – MJ
“Aids Testing for All” – Crossblogging
Great homeschool mom encouragement – Grown at Home!
Top Ten Habbits of a Happy Homeschool – Linda at Higher Up and Further In (my favorite international homeschool mom’s blog)… I am not sure if I have linked to it before, but it’s worth a second link if so! She also has a string of very good recent posts such as, Narration – Getting Started, To Tickle Your Funny Bone, and Narration vs. Questioning
A recipe I want to try – Kitchen Chick
I think it was Wittingshire (correct me if I’m wrong) that sent me to this article at “The New Editor“: “Man Uses Chip to Control Robot With Thoughts” … All I could say was ‘Holy Cow’. That’s amazing!
Great Home-Ec ideas – Phat Mommy
Sweet article about Dana’s son who likes to eat dirt at Principled Discovery. She also shares a cool new tool for tracking your blog comments (pretty neat), and this one called “Standardized Tests, An American Addiction”.
Advice from Tenn on how to eat healthier through smarter grocery shopping – School @ Home. She also has an older post which I bookmarked about Television and Screen Time that is worth the read.
Violet at Schooldaze does a nice word-study and discusses her homeschool principles.
Not a blog, but this article on “The Bombardier Beetle” was quite inspirational.
Not a blog, but certainly a great article about food and homemaking (including recipes) at The Old Schoolhouse.
Thought provoking article on “8 Easy Steps to Destroy America” – Isn’t It Rich
“Ohio cracks down on illicit, Amish “raw milk” cartel” –
Jen, the editor of The Old Schoolhouse is calling all homeschoolers… to tell them “Tag, You’re It” and she also shares an inspirational story about her Particularly Good School Day
Check out the flickrInspector (hat tip to Veerle’s Blog) to find out lots of information about your flickr account (and others).
Christine Miller shares some scary news on simplified spelling… (heaven forbid!).
AND Don’t forget to check out this week’s Carnivals:
Carnival of Homeschooling 29
Christian Carnival CXXXI
Carnival of Education (76th Edition)
Next up on Sprittibee’s blog … a spooky, spidery statement by Sprittibee’s own son.
See you soon.
Buzz Words: Science, Carnivals, Evolution, Bugs, Blogging, Faith, Creationism, Tips, Education, Belief, Bible, Teaching, Mommy, Links, Christian, Round-up, Christianity, Photo Hosting, Homeschooling
Heylo! Whats up with you guys? I hope you are doing good, Im leaving for a mission trip Sunday! YAY! oh, by the way, did you mail my story yet?
email my dad to tell me.
What a great list, you travel round the godblogosphere a lot!
Thanks for pointing them out, there’s lots I haven’t checked out before.
HI FRANKIE! 😉 Hugs from Morgan and the rest of us! Sending your story today.
Dcypl – Thanks for the nice compliments. Hope you enjoy the links as I did.