We are having fun in Texas and got to see some friends that drove quite a ways to visit us today. We enjoyed eating some wonderful Greek food, and I’m feeling much better! Thanks for praying if you did.
What are you doing on your Summer Vacation?
Enjoy the pictures and I’ll add more as they come.
Good night!
Buzz Words: Memories, America, Grandma, Summer, American, Kids, Photobucket, Holiday, 4th of July, Life, Flickr, Fun, Friends, Relatives, Personal, Family, Fireworks, Pictures, Photo Hosting
Looks like you had a FABULOUS time. I’m sorry I didn’t come by sooner…well, actually I did, but then I got sidetracked by hearing someone yell MOMMY or the baby would wake up. He’s been teething.
Anyway, I LOVE the new look, it’s SO cute and DIFFERENT! I love different as you probably saw with my blog.
Another thing I saw that was quite beautiful, was YOU! That’s a lovely pic of you. I wish I could help you out with the photobucket/flickr thing, but I can’t, sorry.
Anyway, sorry my comment is a novel, I miss coming by here, I haven’t blogged much lately, I miss it. I’ll see you around though.
God Bless,
PS~ I think I’m on the blogroll, but I can’t remember-EEK!
Thanks for stopping in, Amber. I have been not blogging regularly because I’m on vacation. Thanks for all the sweet comments. I spent most of tonight typing notes during one of Kent Hovind’s 2 hour seminars on the age of the earth. Talk about a long-winded speaker! But, I’m ready to start posting it as soon as we spend the day tomorrow driving out of state. The vacation is officially over tomorrow. 🙁 Hope to see you in here often… and I’ll be sure and stop by soon at your blog.