This is taken in grandma’s pool. I don’t really think of swimming as a sport. I never liked the race-type swimming, although I did learn how to swim properly. It is so much more fun to swim all the way under water on the bottom of the pool… to dive for lost objects… and to look around with your goggles or mask on. Even better is swimming at night and playing water volley-ball. We lived at some apartments when we first got married that had a lovely pool and a volley-ball net that was set up all the time. It was so pretty at night. I haven’t ever had a pool at my house, but I bet I would swim a lot more often if I had one so handy.
Click over to the Thursday Challenge and see some of the other wonderful Sports related photos. I just love these three: Ballpeen, Open Eyes, Look Through My Eyes…. and here’s another homeschool mom who’s participating today: Beth from the Brew*Crew Adventures!
Buzz Words: Photos, Thursday Challenge, sports, swim, play, July, outdoors, exercise, photography, parenting, children, family, fun, pool, summer, swimming, kids
Sweet faces of summer !
They are adorable…
IG and OG say HI !
Howdy Gs from the Bees!
We love and miss you all 6!
Nice pic, I can feel the love! I Your new look here is really nice, very *fresh*. Thanks for linkin’ me!
I was awestruck by the pic of the runners too, what an amazing shot!
Yer welcome, gal! 😉