I feel pretty silly after cracking open that Hazelnut Paste. Yep. It was sweeter than candy. Tastes great on toast. Not even a thought of cooking it to put on some pasta! HAHAHA!
So, where’s my sign? You Southern country-music gals might know what I’m talking about when I ask that question.
Here’s something I did with Nutella not too long ago and everyone thought it was fabulous! Get some pound cake and cut into thin slices, spread with chocolate/hazelnut stuff, put sliced strawberries on top of that (or not), top with another slice of pound cake, grill it (I just put mine in a pan on the stove and weighted it until toasty and then stuck them in the oven for a bit to make sure they were heated through since I don’t have a grill of any sort). Serve with sliced strawberries. I also served with vanilla ice cream. Dreamy…
Wow, that does sound good. What a cute baby you have! 😉