“If you think in seasons, plant cereals. If you think in decades, plant trees. If you think in centuries, educate your children. ” – Chinese Proverb
I started doing a Bible study with a friend last week. I had my book, “Purpose Driven Life“, on my nightstand and my daughter picked it up and read the foreword while I wasn’t paying attention. I was typing my September calendar up last night and she showed me the book and said, “Mommy… you HAVE to remind me to read this book EVERY DAY.” She’s only seven, mind you.
I smiled at her (as only a mom can), realizing that she had been reading the book and was very serious about what she had said. “Why is that?” I asked her.
“Because I signed my name with my finger on this page.” She held the book open with her finger pointing to the page in which the reader is supposed to sign their name as a covenant that they will read the devotional and study God’s Word each day. “It isn’t just a promise,” she told me, “It is a COVENANT.”
Wow. Maybe that is why she vacuumed under the table, did the dishes, helped her brother out, and folded clothes without me even asking her. Her brother told me this evening, “Morgan is being really sweet.” Maybe I should let her read and study my book with me. Even the little ones need ‘meat‘ to eat.
I’m reminded of the words that my savior spoke…
Matthew 19:14 – Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Buzz Words: children, devotional, parenting, life, faith, Christianity, religion, kids, SAHM, mother, Christian, Bible, Jesus, family, happy, daughter, Bible study, purpose, scripture
i think it is so neat that she is starting to take her faith seriously. Good going mom! 🙂
Well, it was a nice thought anyway. We haven’t been consistant with our devotional reading lately. Thanks for reminding me, though! Today we’ll read Chapter 8 of this book!