I finally finished typing my 2004-5 Spreadsheet up with all of the goodies we managed to get done in that school year. In case you are just stopping by for the first time, or if you haven’t read my previous Homeschool Series posts, you can catch up on back-logs here. In the next few days I am going to create a series of posts highlighting the year my kids were in First and Second Grade. Here below is the usual pattern that I post and the topics I cover:
Post #1 – Book List
Post #2 – Curriculum
Post #3 – Field Trips
Post #4 – Learning Enrichment Ideas for First and Second Grade
Post #5 – Favorite KONOS Memories from First and Second Grade
Post #6 – KONOS Election/Presidents/Government Unit Fun
I’ll be resurrecting my old post entitled, “More on Sprittibee’s Homeschool Series” to add the posts above as links there. So, if you happen to be a Bloglines subscriber (or any other Atom or RSS feed subscriber), just know that it is not a mistake that you keep getting an extra copy of the Homeschool Series post. It is just because I am making changes to it frequently!
After I get finished posting the above schedule, I’ll start on the details: Field Trip Foto Fridays, Project Photos, and such.
In the mean time, you have exactly six more days to enter and win a free digital camera over at Spunky’s blog… and her contest ends on the FIRST DAY OF FALL (Sept 22)! That is the day I’ll be changing my blog template and the following day, September 23, will begin the Contest for a free digital camera here on Sprittibee!
Be sure to stop back in tomorrow for Post #1 above! See you then and have a GREAT Saturday! God bless you and yours!
Buzz Words: contest, book list, field trip, curriculum, education, teaching, homeschooling, homeschool, First Grade, camera, elementary, autumn, fall, bloggers, academics, lesson plans, win, coming up, computer software, free, give away, enrichment, learning, KONOS, blog series