Don’t laugh. We don’t have a lot of money to spend on curriculum, so we are a bit eclectic! I listed all the things here that we used in 2004-5. I spent a lot more time writing about each individual item of curriculum we used in last year’s sister post (see link below). Many of these curriculum items are the same or similar to those on the 2003-4 list. I am only leaving you with a simple list this time. I’m sure you can imagine what we used each of these items for, and if you have any questions; please by all means, leave them in the comments section. I’ve bolded our favorite items below. If it isn’t bolded, that just means it wasn’t our FAVORITE thing… not that we didn’t like it or wouldn’t use it again. Like I said in my book list yesterday, favorites are subjective to individuals… so please don’t just take MY word for it. Try these things and see if YOU like them!
*Note: I had a hard time linking up to Amazon, so I joined and hopefully I can get links up for some of these products over the next week. I did see that a few of them are CHEAPER at Christian Books rather than Amazon also…. so hang in there if you are wanting to buy something, and I’ll get you the info soon!
KONOS Unit Studies – History, Science, Life skills, Etc. (Christian perspective)
Library Books (on and off topic per unit study)
One Minute Bible Stories Old Testament – adapted by Shari Lewis (A Dell Yearling Book)
Songs of Faith and Praise (Hymn Book)
A Beka Primary Bible Reader
Wee Sing Bible Songs
Phonics Through Poetry – Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz
Explode the Code Book 2
Explode the Code Book 1
Practice Makes Perfect – Writing (Grade 1)
Building Blocks Journaling by Paragraphs
Journal (blank spiral notebook – just add creativity!)
Second Grade Language – Learning Horizons
The Practice Workbook of Reading – Richard Wylie
The Chapman Puzzle Books – Lorna Madsen
Smiles Reading Textbook
Language Workbook – Seatwork Text (A Beka) leftover from last year
Worksheets by School Zone Publishing
Draw∙Write∙Now! (Book 1)
Jump Start 2nd Grade Phonics Workbook
ABC Crossword Puzzles Workbook (spelling)
Spelling (correcting misspelled words each week)
Learning Horizons Math Workbooks
A Beka Math and Language Worksheets (Grade 1 & 2)
Miquon Math Workbooks/Cuisenaire Rods
McGraw Hill Grade 1 Workbook (Math)
McGraw Hill Time and Money (Math)
Heritage Studies for Christian Schools 3 – Families in Early America (BJ Textbook)
Visualize World Geography by Theresa A. Blain
Enjoying God’s World Science Reader Grade 2 (A Beka)
Science Labs in a Box (Topics 1)
Choir (All Homeschool Local Choir)
Quick Links:
K/1 Homeschool Curriculum
PK/K Homeschool Curriculum
Sprittibee’s Homeschool Series
Buzz Words: academics, reading, second grade, learning, history, homeschool, homeschooling, education, first grade, Christianity, children, workbooks, library, teaching, math, science, character, KONOS, elementary
I need some advice and help. It is my 2nd yr of home school. I have 4 kids under 7yr. I have a new born this year so I am looking for advise on curriculum. I saw the list of books you used. Did you buy those each separate? I made up my own curriculum last year and only bought a few inexpensive books and it was very time consuming. I need a good curriculum this year that lays out what to do each day in each subject. I like k12 but my state is no longer accepting people, I registered too late. Thanks for your time.
HELP!!!! I am a new homeschool mom with 4 kids under 7. I need help finding curriculum for my 2nd grade son that is not too expensive. I read your list of books you used. Did you buy them all seprate and not in a package. With a new born baby this year I need a curriculum that lays out each subject for me and what to do each day. I did HS last year but did my own lessons and bought variety of cheap books and it was very time consuming planning every day. I could use some good advise.
Thanks Arlene
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want to homschool my kids how do i go about it