I’m sure you have heard of the latest scare with eBay refusing to allow the sale of teacher’s manuals to homeschool moms. Yes, the online auction giant is making homeschool teachers out to be just as bad as movie pirates and drug pushers. In case you HAVEN’T read up on this latest scandal, please feel free to browse the links I have provided:
eBay takes a swipe at homeschoolers.. – LittleOleLady’s Blog
eBay prohibits textbooks for homeschool teachers – WorldNetDaily
Well… it looks like hope is on the way for us homeschool moms yet. Not only that, but we can stick it to eBay in the process! It seems as if the HSLDA is getting involved in setting up a curriculum auction service for all of us homeschoolers to use INSTEAD of eBay!
In case you can’t wait to sell some curriculum or buy some used things for this year’s school year, you can always check out Homeschool Auctions, ThisLittlePiggyStaysHome.com or Vegesource.com (Talk and Swap). There are also numerous email lists that are for resale purposes (check out Yahoo Groups). Sometimes you can get great things through freecycle lists as well (for free).
As Christians, we should want to bless those who bless us… so… When at all possible, though, support your homeschool curriculum writers by buying your curriculum direct! The more people who purchase the curriculum from the actual suppliers, the longer they will be in business and the better their products will be!
Buzz Words: teaching, homeschooling, homeschoolers, academic, HSLDA, freecycle, free, ban, textbooks, used, resources, homeschool, teacher, sales, ebay, ideas, manipulatives, workbooks, supplies, auctions, curriculum, teaching, sell
It seems as if the HSLDA is getting involved in setting up a curriculum auction service for all of us homeschoolers to use INSTEAD of eBay!
Although anyone may sell on HSLDA’s new curriculum market, it looks like only paying members of that organization may buy there.