I wanted to thank Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer for all the prayer traffic she sent this way during Canon’s ordeal. I hope that they will all visit again and continue to pray for Canon’s mother, Carla, as she struggles to move on without her precious boy (she is making funeral arrangements today). It seems there are so many prayer requests in my close circle of family and friends lately that I hardly have time to blog. I would also like to bring up a few additional prayers that have been on the back burners while Canon was struggling for his life. I hope you won’t mind praying for them as well:
1. Continued healing for my mom’s eye (she had cataract surgery this past Friday and had her lens removed and replaced with a plastic one).
2. Teresa (yes, the same one who is friends with Carla – Canon’s mom) has requested prayers for her husband as he goes through the loss of his father who is on hospice right now (and all the other issues surrounding his father’s illness).
3. My friend RG in Texas who had to have his heart shocked because of irregular heartbeat last week (for continued good health and no more problems in this area), and for his father-in-law’s continued health (who had a kidney transplant a while back).
4. My sister-in-law that is going through an ugly divorce at court as I type this. Prayers for her entire family (three children included).
5. Friends in Longview (Texas)… the daddy, Roger (and only surviving parent of two teens James and Jennifer – 12 and 13) was killed in a motorcycle accident. His wife (their stepmother) and his two kids are left behind. His funeral is tomorrow. Please pray for his wife and for the children who are now basically orphaned.
I certainly appreciate your prayers and all the wonderful comments you have all been leaving. I am so behind in comment response that I may have to take a few hours to get to that this afternoon.
I hope that the dust will settle soon and we can return to the fun homeschool and family posts that my blog is usually filled with. Sometimes our priorities have to be re-numbered so that the most important things go before the good things. This past week has been one of those times. Please do return for more fun posting in the future… and may God bless you for your compassion on those in need of prayer.
Buzz Words: grief, illness, health trouble, medical, help, tragedy, parenting, priorities, prayer, Christianity, care, compassion, healing, Texas, Arkansas, love, life, friends, family
hi, you might want to visit pray4u. There are a lot of prayer warriors there praying every day for people. God Bless
Prayer is a priority–sometimes we bloggers need to write less and pray more.
Awwww… shucks, guys! *blushing*
You guys are so sweet to encourage me. Thanks for the comments. I had a nice day to get away with the kids today which really helped out… and am in prayer now for Canon’s family since they are currently at the funeral home for Canon’s viewing. Words can not express how awful I feel for Carla right this moment. My heart feels heavy.
Thanks for the link, conceptshirts.
Amen, Scott. I agree. I have not really felt blogish since all these prayer needs have been popping up.
Just last night I got word that Kevin’s Aunt died, too… and Teresa (the friend I requested prayers for already in this post) came down with a sore throat and sinus infection.
I appreciate all the prayers and encouragement.
Please believe with me for my daughter, Gabrielle , to be delivered from the lifestyle that she has recently left home to pursue…
BELIEVE with me for the Lord’s PROTECTION for Gabrielle , while God is turning her heart back toward Him.
ANGELS, have been assigned to guard Gabrielle, keep her safe, help her, direct her back toward the Lord.
JOIN with me in breaking the forces of darkness that have come against Gabrielle with deception and illusions of sin. We declare every band of wickedness broken off of her life and mind.
BELIEVE, That God is delivering Gabrielle from every ungodly relationship, roadblocks have been put in place by the Lord, to stop the pursuit of sin.
BELIEVE, with us that she hears God’s wonderful voice, and that the Lord grants her repentance, and gives Gabrielle the grace and strength to rise up and come out of sin, and return to the Lord and us, her family.
This praying dad declares…’that my daughter Gabrielle, will come back to the Lord, and to me her dad, and to her family, and to the pruposes of God for her life…
Please agree with me…
A praying dad’s heart- Jerry
Please believe with me for my daughter, Gabrielle , to be delivered from the lifestyle that she has recently left home to pursue…
BELIEVE with me for the Lord’s PROTECTION for Gabrielle , while God is turning her heart back toward Him.
ANGELS, have been assigned to guard Gabrielle, keep her safe, help her, direct her back toward the Lord.
JOIN with me in breaking the forces of darkness that have come against Gabrielle with deception and illusions of sin. We declare every band of wickedness broken off of her life and mind.
BELIEVE, That God is delivering Gabrielle from every ungodly relationship, roadblocks have been put in place by the Lord, to stop the pursuit of sin.
BELIEVE, with us that she hears God’s wonderful voice, and that the Lord grants her repentance, and gives Gabrielle the grace and strength to rise up and come out of sin, and return to the Lord and us, her family.
This praying dad declares…’that my daughter Gabrielle, will come back to the Lord, and to me her dad, and to her family, and to the pruposes of God for her life…
Please agree with me…
A praying dad’s heart- Jerry