We were having cabin fever earlier this week and wanted to take advantage of this wonderful cooler weather. One of my friend’s husbands went on a hunting trip and left her alone with her three little ones, so we went and spent the night with her two nights ago. I tried to get this post up the day afterwards, but I was so tired last night. It was a nice break from our normal routine and the children really enjoyed roaming freely outside on my friend’s land. She has a horse, chickens, a dog, a cat, and two fish. There were plenty of fun diversions for the kids to enjoy. Even burning trash is fun when you are living in apartments. We miss having our own yard and house a lot.
While I was at my friend’s house, I had time to sit down (up way past my bedtime talking with her) and write out my next two units (planning them out on a blank sheet of paper this time). I have rearranged some of my KONOS plans and it looks like I won’t be getting to ‘Birds’ before Christmas. We enjoyed our detours (bunny trails) so much during the Music/Composers Unit… but it has pushed out our plans to complete ‘Eyes’ and the ‘Other Senses’. My plans were to drop ‘Eyes/Seeing’ and ‘Other Senses’ (after all, we have covered a little of both while working on Ears/Sound/Music/Composers). We have already done a few field trips for them with our co-op and read about them in library books. I figured we had covered enough. We are all really looking forward to ‘Frontiersmen/Indians/Predator-Prey/Tracking-Trapping’. I got my KONOS book out and read through the ‘Eyes/Seeing’ and ‘Other Senses’ to evaluate how much we’ve already covered and what we would be missing. As I suspected, there were just TOO MANY good things to skip it. That seems to be a standard with KONOS units.
So… here’s the plan for the next two weeks (for those of you who are following along). This includes today’s stuff which we have mostly completed. I got an email from another KONOS mom the other day who said she was “neck and neck” with me on KONOS units, so she has been reading to see what we’re doing. If you happen to be studying about eyes, senses, paintings, art, poetry, spices, etc… you’ll find some interesting things to do below. This is what our unit plans look like at a glance (along with my daily activities added in). I have separated it into KONOS and NON KONOS for each day. This is one of my shorter units… and we are CUTTING HUGE AMOUNTS OF KONOS ACTIVITIES OUT TO FIT IT ALL INTO THE TIME FRAME BELOW and CRAMMING a LOT INTO EACH DAY! Hopefully we’ll be done by the 21st so we can begin our big history units!
Fri 13 (* still have to do items bolded)
Matt 6:22 (eye is the lamp of the body) – Memory Verse, read and write on index card
Vocabulary p. 29 (sight/eye parts/general/eye disorders – around 50 words)
Read about the Eye (info from online – National Eye Institute)
Read poem: Wynken, Blinken & Nod by Eugene Fields
Read Luke 6:41 (speck and log in your eye) and discuss (30a)
Read Acts 26:18 (darkness and light) and discuss (31b)
Learn parts of the eye and draw in journal/label (31c)
Watch cow’s eye dissection online (31d)
Read book about Van Gogh
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
Map Book
Explode the Code
A Beka History G3
Bible Drill
Library Trip
Prayer Journal
Fall Craft
Finish reading Music Books & return to Library/Watch Sound of Music
Sat 14
Matt. 13:16-17 (read and discuss)
Vocabulary Crossword
Read Eyes/Sight Book/s
Sit outside and use eyes to sketch what you see (35ff)
Read about how Jesus healed blind man in John 9:6(35hh)
Sing Amazing Grace(35kk)
Look at Art Online
Read Art Book
Put Timeline Characters for artists in Timeline Box (create on index cards)
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
A Beka History G3 and Science G4
Bible Drill
Library Trip (again, it was closed today and we only dropped off)
Prayer Journal
Fall Craft (finish yesterday’s craft)
Pen Pal Letters
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Sun 15
Luke 6:41 (read and discuss)
Vocabulary Game
Read Eyes/Sight Book/s
Read poetry about seeing, eyes, beauty
Watercolor (35gg)
Using Bible concordance, do “eye” search & read verses/discuss, What is a wandering eye? How is it possible to have eyes but not see when you aren’t blind? (35ii)
Sing Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus(35kk)
Pick favorite painting for project from Art online or book
Read Art Book
Prayer Journal
Church/Bible Class
Mon 16
Review memory verse
Vocabulary Quiz
Read Eyes/Sight Book/s
Read poetry about seeing, eyes, beauty
Finish Watercolor (35gg)
Read about Paul’s conversion (Acts 9) and dramatize (35jj)
Sing ‘Blind Man Sat By The Road’ (have no idea what this song is called)
Blindfold mystery box (35mm)
Discuss English language idioms using the words eye/see and discuss ‘eye’ in poetry and literature (36nn)
Make music/art timeline in journal (Baroque/Classical/Romantic/Modern + types of art in those periods) (36oo part b)
Begin painting favorite painting from online/art book
Read Art Book
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
Read Beka History G3 and Science G4
Prayer Journal
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Tue 17
Recite Memory Verse
Read Eyes/Sight Book/s
Read poetry about seeing, eyes, beauty
Trip to Art Museum (36oo part a)
Paint on favorite painting from online/art book
Read Art Book
Work on lapbook from previous unit
Read Beka History G3 and Science G4
Prayer Journal
Visualizing World Geography
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Wed 18
Gen. 3:3 (read and discuss)
Touch/Smell & Taste Vocabulary (pg 37) – 35 words in all (write & define)
Read Other Senses Books & Poems
Make a “touch” book with textures (37a)
Do skin test – science experiment (38c)
Trick dad with visual/touch test (38g)
Touch activity with mittens (38h)
Pleasant/Dangerous smells – journal/discussion (40bb)
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
A Beka History G3 and Science G4
Bible Drill
Map Book
Prayer Journal
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Thur 19
Luke 24:39 (read and discuss)
Touch/Smell & Taste Vocabulary Crossword
Read Other Senses Books & Poems
Finger paint (39j)
Smelling contest (39k)
Research bloodhounds and write about them in journal (39l)
Taste a new food to develop a “mature palate” – help cook it! (40aa)
Scratch and Sniff Spice experiment (from ‘Super Senses’ by Shar Levine & Leslie Johnstone)
Other sense experiments as time permits from same book
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
Fall Craft
Visualize World Geography
Bible Drill
Prayer Journal
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Fri 20
John 20:27 (read and discuss)
Quiz on Touch/Smell & Taste Vocabulary
Read ‘Favorite Poems Old and New’/discuss using our senses to help us ‘visualize’ through literature – also make us better writers (40u)
Soda taste test (39m)
Index cards for each season – write favorite sense-related experiences for each (40v)
Research Callus/Callous physical and spiritual – discussion (40y)
Other senses idioms – research and write them in journal/discuss (40z)
Discussion about taste (nutritious foods/sponges/spiritual) (41dd)
Timeline characters added via index cards?
Latin Workbook/Flashcards
Prayer Journal
Penmanship A Beka G3 & G4
Buzz Words: lesson plans, teaching, unit study, KONOS, education, art, homeschooling, homeschool, goals, plans, assignments, Christian, curriculum, field trips, elementary, five senses, hands on, learning, fun
Sprittibee says
OOps. I forgot to add in PE and Typing … oh, well… I’ll put them on our daily printed assignment sheets! 😉
Tomorrow we’re going for a long hilly walk. I’m determined to get back in to my pre-baby jeans size. Would help if I laid off the Milano Double Chocolate Cookies and Red Velvet Cake… oh, and that Grande Hazelnut Decaf Frap with Whip at Buckee’s the other day (that was a splurge!). No more sweets! Lots of walking! Lots of water! Lots of veggies!
Tammy says
Hi, wanted to say thanks much for your blog. Many years ago, like nearly 10 years ago…I used to read your blog as I was a KONOS curriculum user as well. Thanks much. Tammy