QUICK NOTE BEFORE THE POST… Remember to get your submissions in to the Homeschool Carnival – I’m hosting next Tuesday on the 14th. The theme this week will be Autumn Blessings (but you can submit ANY favorite post). See you in my email box (click here to find out how to submit a post)!
Ok, I’ll admit it. I love Feed Burner. That’s not surprising when you consider that they offer such great features (like blog email subscriptions) and have such a wicked-cool logo. About six months ago, I found them (yes, I’m slow… I can’t help it since I’m over 30). I signed up and logged in to their “promote your site” feature because it offers you a neat little html box (see below or in my white sidebar to the right) you can add to your site that allows your readers to sign up to get your posts through email. Yes, that’s right… EVERY POST in your email box! You can read your favorite blogs without even surfing the net. I subscribe to my ‘very favoritest’ blogs via Feed Burner email subscriptions so that I don’t miss anything. My Bloglines subs is so full (because there are so many of you out there with groovy blogs) that sometimes I get overwhelmed and just delete all the posts. This is sad, but there are only so many hours in the day… and life for a homeschooling, blogging, home-making, wife and mother is quite frequently Faaaaaaaaaast and furious.
I like Feed Burner so much that I have actually signed OTHER bloggers up for it so I could subscribe to their blog’s feeds. Yes, I know. I’m a little scary. Like a stalker or something, maybe… but I promise, I’m harmless. I just like your blogs. Ask Linda… I signed her up. If you want to subscribe to her blog, too… you can do so here (she hasn’t put this box on her website yet):
Am I crazy or what?! Of course, you can subscribe to my blog, too. My subscribe box is in the white sidebar to the right of this post.
Not only can you make your blog email-compatible (and make it easier for me to subscribe to your feed)… but you can also get a groovy Feed Burner flame sticker if you send them a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
To claim your sticker, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Attn: I Want A Sticker!
549 W. Randolph, 6th Floor
Chicago, IL USA 60661-2208
I probably won’t wear my feedburner sticker on my forehead, but hey – I might buy a T-shirt if they start selling them on Cafe Press.
…Speaking of Cafe Press… I’ll eventually get something together for my “Gear” tab… (I know I’m a dork for having the click-through button with nothing in the shop – you don’t have to tell me). I just haven’t had time to mess with it. I was going to use it to make t-shirts for our homeschool co-op, but our co-op kind of disbanded this year and everyone is only meeting for field trips. That’s a story for another post. I was also going to use my header bee, but I’m actually not the one who created or altered that bee and it would be a whole lot of legal mess to get it on a T-shirt. So, I’m going to have to re-design my own bee (for a future blog design) and that is far off on my to-do list. In the meanwhile, I thought I would just do some personal stuff for my family in my shop (like mugs for Christmas with the kid’s photos)… but again, it takes time and energy to get things like that done (and of course, I’m not well-known for doing things ahead of time… procrastinating is a hobby of mine).
Be sure to check out Feed Burner. If you add that subscription box to your blog, there’s no telling how many RSS/ATOM-illiterate bloggers and surfers will sign up to read your blog vicariously through email!
Buzz Words: Feed Burner, blogging, subscriptions, RSS, feeds, email, blogs, bloggers, techie, email, promote, homeschooling, homeschool carnival, Cafe Press, autumn, blessings, thankful, joy, Carnival of Homeschooling
Sprittibee – Thanks for all the kind words about FeedBurner! We’re happy to know you’re enjoying the services and we have plenty of stickers for your forehead. Cheers! – Traci
Wow your blog is really really nice. I found you through the Carnival. I enjoyed reading through your blog today.
Our blog
Traci – thanks for your comment. 🙂
Suni – Thanks for visiting and your nice comments.