I just had to gloat a little. My seven year old continues to amaze me. Sometimes you think things are just NOT SINKING IN with her. Especially with a “blondie-lox” like my Morgan. She is a bubble of estrogen, that one. Kevin and I often stare at each other in disbelief over how dingy she can be (she gets it from his side of the family – his hair was WHITE it was so blonde during his childhood). He often says I have blonde roots under my scalp somewhere, but I can fool people since my hair has always been brown. Either way, I’m not sure even with blonde roots that I could ever have been as bubbly as my Morgan.
“Blondie-lox” is no dummy, however. She’s a genuine smarty-britches (pants, that is… for you northern readers). The other day (over a month ago now), we were sitting in my room discussing a project that requires making “scratch and sniff” spice cards for our ‘Other Senses’ KONOS unit study. After you put the spices on the cards you are supposed to have a “smelling contest” to see who can guess the most spice names right.
Morgan (Blondie-lox) says to me enthusiastically, “We could even use your favorite spice, Mommy… you know….” Silence. She draws a blank. I didn’t tell her what it was, because I figured she would remember in a second and blare it out. I just never figured HOW she would remember would be so interesting!
She then stands up and looks at our World Map on the wall next to her over my bed. She points her finger to French Guiana as she stands on my bed staring at our laminated Sam’s Club Rand McNally World M Series Map. [French Guiana is above Brazil on the South American continent in case you don’t know where to find it.] It dawns on me slowly why she’s looking there. It is because she knows the capitol city of French Guiana is the SAME as my favorite spice’s name!!!!!
So…do you know my favorite spice? Morgan yelled it out to me and I clapped and cheered! Amazing how our brains work (the intricate network that forms our memory banks)! God is awesome. Homeschooling is awesome, too!
Buzz Words: Quiz, Question, Spices, Geography, South+America, Learning, Education, Parenting, Kids, Dingy, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Teaching, Funny, Life, Joy, Happiness, Children
Very strange thing that just happened, but what do I expect when I “google” something and when I know that God works in mysterious ways? I was actually doing a search for “Hannah prays for a baby preschool activity” for a 2-5 year old class that my husband and I teach at our church on Wednesday nights. One of the things that popped up was a July 2005 entry on your blog so I clicked on it to see if I was interested. Well, I was interested in what you wrote, but not because it was about Hannah and Samuel. It was about homeschooling. I am a mother of two children. My daughter is 2 1/2 and my son is 9 months. My husband and I have tossed around the idea of homeschooling. We think/pray about it often. I am still unsure about homeschooling (it is still a couple years off), but reading your blog was very inspiring. Thank you for your honesty. I will look forward to reading more in the future. Pretty crazy how God even uses Google! (Not that I am surprised, just thought it was providential) Merry Christmas!
Heidi Vriesman (Grand Rapids, MI)
Well done, Morgan !
Isabella says “hi” !
What a smart girl! This blondie-lox just had to Google to find out what your favorite spice is. Aren’t children amazing?
Heidi – That is neat that your hubby teaches Wed. night Bible class with you. I used to do the three-year-olds on Wed. night for about a year and I enjoyed it when my mom helped me teach. We always ate at IHOP before or afterwards and had pancakes… it was our little tradition. Not good for the hips, however! Your kiddos are young yet… but it is never too early to start learning about homeschooling if you feel God leading you there. I would like to suggest a book to you: “Educating the WholeHearted Child” by Clay and Sally Clarkson. I wish that I had bought that book when we first started homeschooling! I don’t know how I survived so long without it. My friend Ammie started attending her workshops when her oldest was only 4 and she had not begun their homeschooling journey yet. Her eldest is now 14! 😉 Merry Christmas to you, too! May God guide and bless you.
HOWDY RG! Thanks for stopping in. I often wonder if you guys ever stop in here any more. 🙂 We put a card in the mail for you today, but it won’t go out until tomorrow. It has been raining ALL DAY for TWO DAYS and is supposed to freeze tonight. We’re supposed to have ice tomorrow and snow this weekend!!!! They said it would be up to an inch or so. Poor Kev having to drive in that – but great for us to see! Texans love to see snow – it is such a novelty. 😉 We are COUNTING THE DAYS until we see you all again!
Debbie – Yep, kids are amazing. Way smarter than we are… I think there’s some brain-cell transfer during childbirth. ???