The rest of the eleven Chipotle eaters are not pictured here (including myself). We love Chipotle (their website ain’t too shabby either). So far on our trip, we’ve eaten there three times. I’m sure we’ll probably eat there tomorrow, too. Our vacation is coming to an end soon (profuse weeping erupts), and parting is such sweet sorrow. The only problem with Christmas vacation is that it is too short. The only problem with Chipotle is that there isn’t one in the ENTIRE state of Arkansas. Believe me, I’ve already begged them. They have no mercy.
Buzz Words: Chipotle, food, restaurant, friends, vacation, burrito, Mexican Food, December, holidays, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas, family, children, photos, parenting
Good luck with that post Chipotle feeling. Oh, what a bloat.
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Welcome back anytime.
Happy Healthy New Year!
I will Exercise for Comments!
Hope you had a great vacation and aren’t missing the country of Texas too badly!
Do you not like Chipotle, BigWhiteHat? 🙂
Sunflower – You are welcome. Maybe I should exercise for comments, too?
Sheri – I am missing the country of Texas, as a matter of fact! My mom called me to tell me she was on a drive across the state yesterday and explained how sunny and beautiful and 72 degrees it was and I told her to STOP IT. I was getting really homesick. She’s trying to talk me in to visiting her in Dallas some time this month. I just may pack up and take our schooling in the car! “Hotelschooling”. 😉 Maybe we can find a field trip opportunity there to do.
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It’s Christmas again!! A time to cherish the beautiful white snow, smiling snowman, brightness of the Christmas décor and the yummy candies and cakes! From November onwards it becomes impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Well to be honest I personally wait for it so that I can return home to meet my parents and girlfriend of course!
With the passage of time lots of things about the celebration of Christmas has changed. I still remember when I was a kid, mom use to wait near the phone so that she becomes the first one to pick my brother call. We all use to have a fight as who is gonna be first to talk to him. Then I use to visit my relatives and friends with my parents who stayed near by.But now the net world has changed everything, especially the ecard trend. It’s so easy now to connect with our loved ones especially when you have so many ecard sites! One of free Christmas ecard site Being a new website really has fresh and cool greetings. The best part is if I write too regarding some card or idea they do take it seriously. Although the site has several errors but cards are really cool! So guys why don’t you check it out, you will also get the right ecard you are looking for! And if any one of you knows any other fresh ecard website do let me know!