Here’s a quick list of ‘Heather’s Hot Picks’ for this past week on the blogosphere:
A Dollop of Sour Cream shares an excellent link to some articles about Global Warming! These are not to miss, folks.
Of course, we can’t skip our weekly evolution vs. creation link. This week I popped in at Since Eve where I enjoyed Dana’s humorous write-up and funny video clips in her post entitled, “On Evolution“.
While we’re talking Science, here’s a link to this week’s Answers in Genesis article about a clock found inside solid rock.
Wayne, the ‘Homeschooling Father’ shares some insight into a legislative homeschool threat in Oklahoma.
Nicole at Girl Talk shares “10 Ways to Do Good to Others”… what great ideas! She has inspired me to “pay it forward” this week!
Ever inspiring Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings shares a touching post that looks at the heart of multiple motherhood and being a godly woman in a pop-culture world. You won’t be able to resist the charm. She gives us permission to have baby number three (on purpose). Here’s a snip:
But there is a resurgence of women (that I’ve never noticed before—maybe I had my eyes closed or maybe the internet made it possible for them to band together) who are now saying, “Yes, I want to raise a family. I’ll agree that babies are good and can glorify God….but how?”
After a few babies, reality sets in and the Christian mom begins to think that maybe everyone had a good point. This is really hard. She is knee-deep in Cheerios. The laundry has an unnatural smell to it. She’s knows the theme song to every show in the PBS morning lineup. Her husband gets to talk to people that are taller than his waist during the day and she feels jealous. The kids are crying, but when it’s quiet she is left with the thought, “How does doing THIS glorify God? And how in the world do I do this?!”
I was going to send you to a particular post by Dee at It Could Have Been Worse (Fiddle-Dee-Dee), but shucks… I couldn’t pick! She’s got some great material this past week to browse through. It is so hard to narrow it down to a favorite – even a favorite for the week!
Mary at Owl Haven has some Laundry Envy and boy, is she funny! Stop off at her place and she’ll help put a grin on your face (nice way to start your Monday morning).
As for me… we spent today on the road and visited with family. I spent last night out of town and managed to escape the tornados that came through Arkansas the day before (my computer spent the day UNPLUGGED to prevent photo loss in case of power outage!). I have bags to unpack, a book to curl up with, and some KONOS planning to get done tonight after my loooong hot shower. I’m planning the next two days off with my honey since he’s off from work Monday and Tuesday this week. I’m making cheese enchiladas, Spanish rice and refried beans tomorrow for dinner. Other than that, I’ll try and get in here more regularly. It has been a little TOO nice playing blog hooky lately. The spring weather is not helping me want to be at my desk! How about you?
Have a super Sunday night, and Monday morning! God bless.
Buzz Words: personal, home, life, laundry, family, domestic, SAHM, mommy, motherhood, living, kids, blogging, homeschooling, homeschool, Science, parenting, friends, Creation, global warming, Christian, Oklahoma
Thanks for the link!
These are *great* links, thanks! The spring weather, coupled with no much new reading material, is not helping me be very “productive” though… 🙂 Have a super week!
Looks like some great links! I read part of the global warming ones and will read more later. Thanks!
Thanks for the laughs, Bee-gal. I needed them today!
I’m so glad you escaped the storms. I wondered how you all fared down there. We just got lots of rain here in NE AR.
Thanks for the link! You made my day.
Mary – URsoWelcome! 🙂 I enjoyed your post.
Cyndi – You 2! Yes, the sunshine is really making me want to go out and play.
Karen – Those global warming articles are interesting. I enjoyed those.
Bev – I am so sorry about that baby up there in your area. You take care and give the kids hugs from us. Glad you are all OK.
DeeDee – 😉 Glad to make you smile! Your husband’s love note was too wonderful! How neat is that?! Thanks for sharing it.