Spring. The mid-point of my school year. I usually do school from September through June (last year through the end of July because of moving in October ’05)… so this is one of the homeschool moments when I get the panic-attacks blahs.
Here’s my schedule (neatly drawn on and scanned for your viewing pleasure):
Looks like a re-vamp is in order. As usual. These next three days “off” during standardized testing are going to be my re-organization time before I begin the ‘smackdown’ here at Sprittibee’s Homeschool. It is time to get the schedule done. You can label it “spring cleaning” – I suppose.
Not only will I have time for re-organizing my schedule… but I’ll also have some time to get caught up grading, recording, and READING those great books I’ve promised to review. It couldn’t hurt to browse through a few magazines as well. Maybe, if I can get out of here in the next twenty minutes… I can swing through Buckees and sip down a Starbucks Decaf Hazelnut Coffee Frap while I sit for half a day while the kids test.
In the mean time… while you are waiting for me to come out of my self-induced hibernation… be sure to check out the Homeschool Carnival. This week it is over at Dana’s place. She’s a smart cookie.
For a laugh, you could also check out my friend FiddleDeeDee’s post about her son drinking hand soap (or was it lotion?).
Have a super Tuesday, all!
Buzz Words: personal, testing, life, spring cleaning, homeschool mom, domestic, SAHM, mommy, motherhood, living, getting things done, stress, homeschooling, homeschool, to do list, parenting, standardized tests, busy, schedule, plans, catching up, teaching, KONOS, time management
You made my day with your comment at my site!!! Thanks for the link, too.
We’re at the tail end of our spring break. Then next week, we’ve got to hit it fast and furious to be ready for testing next month. Yikes. I’m dragging my heals.
Mee too DeeDee. 😉 Fast and furious. Keep that lotion out of reach!