You Are 96% Texas |
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I had to agree to eat a rattle snake to get 96% Texas. I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten snake… well, maybe it was eel tar-tar. I’ve eat gator before – and frog legs, too. Does that count? I sure wasn’t gonna agree to Texas only having five spices (what pansy only uses five spices?). And I wasn’t gonna agree that my cowboy and cowgirl pals in Austin are ‘NOT REALLY FROM TEXAS’. What kind of trash-talk is that?!
Who wrote that quiz? A Yankee??! “Git a rope.”
Buzz Words: meme, tx, Texas, cowgirl, South, humor, Texan, quiz, culture, travel, silly, fun
I am not sure that I could bring myself to eat snake. I suppose it would depend upon how the particular piece looked when it was cooked.
By the way…are the head & tail of a rattlesnake edible?
awww…the link to the quiz is broken. And I’m really wondering how much Yankee is left in this Oregon-born girl after 14 years of marriage to a 5th generation Texan.
Posted this at my place, giving you a big ol’ Texas Hat Tip…
That’s hilarious!
Thank You!! I’m from Austin and totally didn’t get it. Panda-Mom had to call me and explain. I consider myself more than 64% Texan (which is what my score was).
Blue – I was tricked into the snake. My step-dad laughed about it afterwards. If I remember correctly, the gator was the same story. I willingly ate the frog legs (Cajun style with tons of seasoning… they were surprisingly good). I have NO idea if you COULD eat a rattler’s head or tail… but WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO? Yuck!
Kim – Yes, I’m something of a long-timer Texan myself. Although, that is mainly my mom’s side. My paternal line is from Washington State, Canada and Russia/Germany/Poland not far back in the tree. I think most Americans have such mixed blood that it is a very true statement to call our country “the melting pot”.
TexasFred – Howdy, pa’dna! 😉 Thanks for the hat tip. Don’t that quiz just make you mad?!
Mandy – 😉 Yep. You just don’t want to tell a Texan they ‘ain’t Texan… (you might make their eyes bulge out and their guns fling off of their hips!).
Mommy Spice – Austin is a mighty purdy place. Love visiting there. 😉 I have a few friends in the general area… and of course, family in every county, nearly!
Glad y’all liked my Yeehaw link. 😉
That’s cute. I scored 56% – just about right, seeing as I moved here from MI sixteen years ago.
There’s something about TX, though. I can’t think of a finer place to call home. 🙂
You take care, girl.
Howdy Cindy. ;0) I’m tipin’ my 10 Gallon Cowgirl hat to ya! 😉 I would have never figured you were part yankee. 😉 Oh, well… I love you just the same! 😉 I am sure glad you moved down South, though. Please don’t go back!
Give me a call and let’s get caught up on what is going on. 🙂 Tell the boys to write us a letter.
– H