A lot of times homeschooling moms tend to leave out the fun stuff so the list can get checked off. I know that I have been guilty of this many times. Even though I have a deep love of art and really love being creative, I usually will opt to get their math homework done if we have only a few minutes left in the day before we go somewhere – rather than water color. Let’s face it. Art is sometimes messy and inconvenient, isn’t it? It requires a lot of free time and prep work to do it right. I get tired of doing the same little craft-ish stuff that we’ve done before and wanted some new ideas.
Enter GeeArt. They emailed me one day and I had to check them out. This seemed too good to be true. We did a sample lesson and were sold. I joined up and we are about to embark on a fun art journey from now until the cows come home! I plan to bring you a post about our fun creative stuff each week or every other week. I hope you will check back in and visit to see the things we are learning and creating! Now, of course, I’ll still throw in crafts and art lessons from other places as we have time… but now that my kids will be SURE to have a little art in their week from GeeArt, I won’t feel so guilty if we only do 2 art projects per unit study.
** GEEART has offered generously to give 10% off to anyone who clicks over to their site from my site for their homeschool edition of the program! How cool is that??? Tell’em Sprittibee sentcha by entering “sprittibee” as the promo code! **
As for a personal update… everyone in our house is a zombie today after a party last night, my son sleeping over at his buddy’s house, my daughter sleeping with my husband and I in our King bed (something happened to my back and his neck – both of us need Motrin and a heating pad!), and I’m still in my pajamas. Looks like Saturday school will not be in session today. I fancy that I’ll use the rest of the day to catch up on grading and maybe take a tour around GeeArt and get registered.
Have a super weekend, y’all!
Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Learning, Art, Fun, Sculpture, Schedule, Homeschool, Elementary, Creative, Kids, Teaching, Lesson Plans, Life, Children, Parenting, Blogging, Priorities, Home School, Lessons, School, Education, Colors, Computer, Online, Curriculum, Personal
My girls LOVE art so I have to include it here and there to keep them interested in the main subjects!
You are right though, so often we drop the ball on fun things in order to jump the hoops of the “important” stuff (or so we think).
Thanks for sharing GeeArt. We just finished the sample lesson
Did you see it takes 10,000 snails to make one gram of purple dye?!
Makes you really think about the Proverbs 31 woman. “She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.” This lady was busy crushing snails–big time. 🙂
BTW, I found you through Google Alert. I put in the term homeschool and Google sends me any homeschool blog entries. Neat.
I’m off to check out that GeeArt! Thanks!
I noticed you are on Top Mommas…… did it take long to get on it? I submitted my info 10 days ago and still I haven’t heard a word. Am I missing something here?!?!?!
Lindsey… Hey there. I love the fun stuff. If only we could just skip all the rest! 😉 I am a big kid at heart. I remember arguing with my Math teacher about how useless learning Math was. ;0) Hahaha.
HeartofWisdom… 🙂 I hope you’ll tell them that I sent you if you join up with GeeArt. Sorry that I didn’t include that up front – they emailed me and told me they were offering a 10% discount to any of my readers who sign up after I posted.
Fifi – Hi there! I just found out that I was on top mamas. I sent in my little icon over a month ago and forgot all about it. I found it on some other homeschoolers blog and figured, why not?! I love that one with the baby that has an off/on button on its face. 😉 That is too cute. If you sign up with GeeArt, do it off of my site for a price break. 🙂
I need to know how to sighn up for “GeeArt”. Please tell me in your comments section! I love you!
Morgan, you little silly… I can set you up on my computer, but we need to do it during the “school day”… so I can do the lesson WITH YOU. 🙂
You don’t want Mommy to miss out on the fun, do you?
Of course you can move to Cali…and I will teach you all you want to know about digi-scrappin. I make the homes as custom artwork and they are purchasable (is that a word lol) for 40.00 unframed and 60.00 framed.
sorry for the promo and I am lookin into GeeArt…Im having an article come out in Homeschool Enrichment mag about digi scrapping with a video tutorial online (available in the next few days) along with a free download. So it will be like kind of getting a lesson from me, all from the comfort of your home!! No makin fun of my voice!!! hehe
Thanks so much for posting about this! The boys and I went through the free online lesson this morning and we all thought it was great!