This photo was not taken by me. If you would like to get in contact with the photographer, you can email me. This picture was taken after a recent April snow and sleet storm passed through Central Texas. It is a beautiful and rare thing to behold. Such a wonderfully mild spring this has been. I am a cold-weather freak, so it has been right up my alley! Wish I could have seen this gorgeous sight with my own eyes. I guess I have the bluebonnet blues again this year.
This has been my Thursday Challenge submission for the week. Check out the other participants’ photos at the link under the title to this post. The theme this week is “Wildlife” (Insects, Birds, Fish, Fishing, Bears, Wolfs, any Flora or Fauna…).
Buzz Words: Texan, Pictures, Weather, Beautiful, Snow, Bluebonnets, Flowers, Spring, Central Texas, Photos, Texas, Thursday Challenge, Beautiful, Wildflowers, Nature, Life, America, Photography, Blue
Very nice! Thanks for sharing!!
Wow that is a beautiful sight to see ..thanks for posting it. I am new to blogging myself but have enjoyed you and other sites. Thank you for all the wonderful info and I look forward to viewing your site daily. God Bless
That is an amazing photo. I’m not quite ready for the warm weather myself, but I would love to put away the kids’ clothing boxes that are sitting in limbo–too cold to finish packing them and putting them away–in our bedroom floor!
That is truly a breath-taking photo!
I look foraward to taking my boys for walks not that Ohio is not longer a wet, slush field! Just need to get Manuel walking (he had surgery on his knee).
Jdoriot – Thanks for the comment. I enjoy meeting new bloggers and finding out that things I post are enjoyable to them. 🙂
MyLittleWonders – Thanks for your daily visits. 🙂 It is nice to know I’m not alone in here! 🙂
MommyDearest – Ahhh, the delima of storing winter clothes… living in a 2 bedroom apartment makes me all-too-familiar with this problem. I’ll be glad not only for the warmer weather to stay (even though I prefer cooler weather myself) but for us to finally get moved home so I can get my closet situation tamed!
Kaber – One thing I love about living in the South is that we don’t have to deal with the slushy part of after-winter. Spring is always just around the corner and usually there is only a small touch of snow or ice each year to give you a “quick-fix”. I’m not sure how the people of the North handle all that cold for so long!
Does the person live in Ok? I found the same pic that someone in Ok said they took. Also someone in LA is saying they took it plus found a few others when I did a search. I think its a pretty pic but wish I knew who really did.
Dear Sprittibee:
Would it be possible to obtain information about how we might obtain permission to use the lovely Bluebonnets in the Snow photograph for a project in our graduate program.
Anonymous… from the look of the photo, I doubt it was taken in OK. It looks like the Texas Hill Country. However, I have been known to be wrong now and then. 😉 LOL
Donna – (AND EVERYONE ELSE who really wants to talk with the photographer)
Every time I have gotten a response via email and this blog’s comment section requesting the photographer and such, I have forwarded it to the nice lady who sent it to me. She attended a church I once went to in Texas, and said she knew the photographer. She travels a lot and a week or two ago her daughter emailed me and said that she would forward my messages to her because she was out of town. I have had six or seven other requests and have forwarded them to her, but have yet to get an answer. Sorry for the delay! Hang in there and if she ever answers me, I’ll get you in touch with the right person.
Thanks for the interest. It is a lovely photo. There are many OTHER great photos (including some great shots of WHITE and RED bluebonnets which are really rare) on if you are willing to do a search and sort through a few photos. 😉
In Him,
Thank you so much for your reply. I truly appreciate your efforts to locate the photographer. I will check back regularly to see if we hear anything and I will check out the other website you suggested. Each year I design a Christmas card which our graduate program sends out to our faculty, students, alumni, and staff. I always like to choose a special photograph from Texas and this one would be perfect. We make no money from our Christmas cards and we are a state funded university. If the photographer needs more information, I would be happy to provide my email address to them. Thanks again and have a blessed day and a very Happy Mother’s Day.
Wow, Donna… that would be a good Christmas card photo. I would love to have a box of them! 🙂 Hope she emails me back!!!
Way to Go! That is a fantastic shot; you did great by getting up and trudging through the snow to get the shot.
Not my shot, sorry! 🙁 Sure wish I knew who’s it was, though!