Ever have one of those school years? Seven weeks to go. Too much to do… too little time… I am SO going to get July and August off this year. You watch me!
Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Getting Things Done, Homeschool, Schedule, Lesson Plans, Education, School, Parenting, Stress, Plans, Progress, Goals, End of Schoolyear, Summer, Teaching
Great graphic!
That is how I felt until I realized how much my daughter really has learned amidst all the turmoil.
I swear that’s me.
In every thing this year – it’s been two steps forward — 4 steps backward. Gosh. Nice to know that others have felt the same thing.
I think I”ve about given up on having anytime of summer off. I’m considering just jumping in to next years books just because we’re going to be so late in getting finished with this years stuff. 🙂
Enough about me — you go girl!! I can’t wait to see you get July & August off. I’m cheering you on!
I feel the same way! How do you know if you really need to continue through the summer? Do you notice all the workbook pages aren’t finished, or you didn’t quite get all the books read that you chose , or that one last science experiment isn’t done? How do you really know? This is my DD’s first grade and I didn’t get it all done but if we really did all the pages we would never have any time for anything else. I really wondered how everyone else calls it a year and puts the old workbooks away and starts on the next years stuff. Thanks Lori
🙂 Good for you, Dana! Mine learned a lot, too… Just not everything I had planned.
Comfy Denim – I was like you last year… and we only had two or three weeks of “summer”… one of which I spent planning for the following year. It was like a long Spring Break, really. I am burning out now… after going non-stop for so long. Time for a real summer break (during which I will most likely be moving out of state – which isn’t really relaxing, is it now?)…
My Little Wonders – I know I didn’t get enough done because I had plans to accomplish double what I accomplished as far as unit studies go. The math books are not done, yes, but most of the material is covered… just the HUGE review section at the back of the books are not complete. I have about 37 days worth of math left. Out of a 380 page book, that makes about 60 pages or so. We still have to read a bit in our Science Reader and Health Reader… We still have about 37 days worth of our penmanship to do… But the UNITS we are covering are the biggie for me. We spent too long on the ones we did this year and didn’t move fast enough. Some of it was due to my tendency to follow rabbit trails. The rest of it was due to my husband’s awful schedule. For most of the year, we have been on a 3 or 4 day school schedule (having 2 days off during the MIDDLE of the week and Sunday off). It is REALLY hard to stay on track and push forward in your studies when you don’t have a CONSECUTIVE FIVE DAY WEEK. I’m SO looking forward to next school year (in Texas hopefully) where I’ll be on a NORMAL schedule! Hopefully with more money to do the extras, even! Praise the Lord!
Oh – I hope you get to settle down some – and you get those months off!
ps. will reply to email soon!
That graphic is a riot! That’s what I feel like most of my life. Definitely when it comes to homeschool. We’ll be HSing on a light basis through much of the summer. I have to work on better planning and organizing for next year!
Does this mean Texas is in the plans?!?!? I sure hope so! 😀