‘Shool is Fun’
2004-5 School Year; Gel Pen on 3M Post-It® 3 x 3 in; Morgan (age 5 or 6)
Makes it all worthwhile, doesn’t it?
About that little spelling error… hey – most kids at age 5 and 6 can barely get their name on the paper. That’s a complete sentence with correct punctuation. So what if she misspelled school. Don’t you be talkin’ smack.
smack n 1. offensive speech about another person. (“I hear you’ve been talking smack about me.”) – Berkeley Online Slang Dictionary
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Buzz Words: kids, home, school, learning, children, homeschool, homeschooling, education, art, parenting, fun, love, teacher, happy, opinion, pat on the back, mommy, review, artwork
Hey Spritibee, just wanted to stop by and say hello! Hope you are doing well!
Love you,
The drawing is adorable! Who cares about the spelling error, the message says it all. Notes and drawings from our children are priceless, especially because they come from their hearts! I really enjoy your blog.
Thanks Jocelyn. Sorry I missed your other carnival. I’ve been swamped with the last few weeks of school here. It is everything I have to get a blog post done each day on top of school. We are rockin’ and rollin’ to get done for the summer.
Anonymous – Thanks for the note. 🙂 I appreciate your comment. Makes my day to know that the blog encourages other homeschoolers and parents (and anyone else who gets a kick out of my nerdy commentary on life).
That’s adorable! I’d be proud too, ’cause I guarentee my 10yo DS (my youngest) wouldn’t write that. 🙂
Yeah, that is not to say we don’t have our Math Meltdowns. 😉 But we really do have a lot of fun.
And, I have to brag… my husband let my son do a few questions on his engineering test this morning… and my little 10 year old got them right!