James 1:2-4 ~ 2) Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3) because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4) Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I’m alive and I’m in Texas. My wallet is a lot lighter, and finally I am coming up for air. I didn’t bother checking off the rest of the list because it got really crazy Friday when we had a kink in our moving plans. The movers were going to charge us about 800$ more than we anticipated, so we rented a truck and had to do it ourselves to save some money. Of course, I’m not getting any younger, and without the help of our good friends, family and the help we hired, we would still be going up and down those apartment stairs with boxes right now. We have ended up with a lot of plan-B adjustments through this process. It has been an emotionally and physically draining week. Even with all the stress, I have seen the hand of God working in each day’s details.
One area we have definitely not suffered is our meal-times! Notice the “Powered by Chipotle” shirt in the moving van photo (that’s me). We had a HUGE meal at Chipotle after we returned home. It had been nearly seven months since I had their marinated chicken. It was time for a “fix”. I asked Kevin why Chipotle chicken was like CRACK to me… and he told me it must have “voodoo” in it. I have been enjoying all the spicy wonders of Texas cuisine in-between our errands. Seeing familiar faces and getting to gorge on breakfast tacos with home-made pico de gallo is a welcome diversion to our moving and family crisis.
It rained BUCKETS on us while we unloaded the truck into storage. Literally sheets of rain. One of the hired laborers on the unpacking end must have been on mental vacation, too. He hardly did any work at all. Kev’s computer box got dropped about 8 feet onto concrete – no telling if that thing will fire up when we unpack it. Somehow my underwear got packed into an obscure storage box (along with my phone charger). We have had to buy some new clothes and other necessary items, purchase additional storage, pay for extra things we weren’t expecting, and get sleep whenever we could catch a spare moment…. not to mention that Kev had to go on an interview and we have had to travel between cities here at home as well. We’ve put in well over 1,000 miles (on both of our vehicles). It was a good thing the moving truck was diesel. It got better gas mileage than we expected.
We’re staying with friends and family right now (and that has been emotional with last week’s family tragedy). My computer is up, but not connected to the internet still. I think Kevin is going to pick up a wireless device today. I am having to borrow friends’ and family’s PCs at the momment. In-between naps, errands, loading and unloading my vehicle, and eating Tex-Mex… I have time to check email. Hopefully I can get a little more bloggish as time goes by… but I do have to admit that we are ‘temporary’ for most of this month. We’ll be looking for a place to live soon because KEVIN GOT THE JOB HE WANTED! Praise the Lord! Hang in there and have fun browsing the archives while I’m sifting through luggage for clean clothes and matching shoes! Maybe next month we’ll be in a house again somewhere.
God bless you all – from Texas! May you all be as happy to be where you are as I am to be here. It is so good to be home.
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Buzz Words: Moving, Packing, Crazy, Family, Boxes, Life, Busy, Stress, Crisis, Relocation, Story, Getting Things Done, Overwhelmed, List, Personal, Parenting, Job, Finances, Travel, Money, Texas, Summer, Food
welcome home! 🙂
🙂 Thanks! I’m about to go eat at Chipotle again. Texas and tacos… two of my favorite things.
I’m SOOOO glad to see that you made it safe and sound, AND that Kevin got the job he wanted!!! Woohoo! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Enjoy your Chipotle’s! Eat something extra spicy for me, K?
(((hugs))) so glad for you to be back home! 🙂
I am so happy for you all!!
Having moved a total of 9 times the first 9 years of our marriage (once it was from NM to IN to NM in 14mo!!), I am understanding living out of suitcases or boxes, etc.
I am happy we have been here for over 7 years. Sounds like it’s time to move again! LOL!
Glad you are so happy!
You sound it! YAY!
I’m glad you’re finally home.
Nice to see you back in cyberspace, as well, not only in Texas… The flood waters have gone back into the good old creek, and now it is major clean up time. Schoolroom and garage stink like crazy, so it is time to get everything out of there, tear up the carpet, clean, bleach, and put everything back in, then repeat in the garage… What a plan for the weekend, uhu ? You all have a great time down there and we will see ya soon. Minus the flood, that is.
( FG has some amazing pictures, will post them soon, watch your email.) One more time, BIG congratulations to K. !! Way to go !
Congratulations on the job!! WOOHOO!! So happy for your family. Prayers as you settle in.
I’m sure you ar ecstatic to finally be home!! Congrats~
I’m so glad y’all are home. The job that Kevin wanted–are you talking about the job that has been the topic of discussion for weeks? Either way, I know work is one major thing checked off the relocation list. Sorry we couldn’t make it to P’s the other day…it was raining like crazy here. And the wind was awful. There was no way I could’ve made it there without losing my mind. Hopefully y’all will be coming this way again sooner than later.
*Hey Bev. Do you mind if I post one of those way cute photos of the girls on here? Let me know. I am so thrilled that we got to meet before I left AR.
*Woot back atcha, ComfyDenim!
*Thanks Brenda!
*:) Hey Dixon Clan! So you guys are the nomads, too. Well, I guess if you move again, just be sure it is to TX!
*GoMomYouRock – MEEEEE 2.
*Hey RG! I feel so guilty leaving you guys with all that water damage. Hopefully you can put us to work when we come back to visit soon. Kev says thanks for the congrats. He’s excited to start his new job. Praying for you guys!
*Jessie – THANK YOU! The prayers are much coveted!
*Yes mam, Amy! I am happy as a clam!
*We will see you soon, Sara. I have a little niece to kiss on. We totally understood why you couldn’t come over (although PP didn’t! LOL). I am still reeling from what she said to J on the phone!
Praise God for Kevn’s job! That’s awesome!
I’m with you on Chipotle. These days I only go about once a week, but it used to be 2-3 times was the norm (back when the boys were in public school & I only had to buy my own lunch!). I figured that was you in the rockin’ Chipotle shirt. Oh, by the way, Chipotle started in Denver, Colorado. So just remember, good food does come from outside Texas! LOL!! 😀
I sure hope Kevin’s computer is okay! I’m glad y’all finally made it back to Texas!
Dianne 🙂
Welcome home and welcome from Texas! Glad you are here and that your husband got a job.
I can only imagine the stress you have had–but thanks for always pointing out God’s blessings along the way.
🙂 I went again last night and have leftovers in the fridge, Dianne! LOL Yes, I know that Chipotle began in Denver. We states (CO and TX) are sisters as we used to be one and the same!
Brenda – Thanks, sweetie. Sometimes I have to remind myself that things could be a lot worse. Right now the housing market is overpriced compared to our budget… so we may have to go back into an apartment for a while. That is our latest saga. 🙁