President Bush (then governor of Texas) signed a proclamation in 2000 to make June 10th the official Texas day to honor Jesus (along with many other states who were doing the same thing). Lone Star State inhabitants can celebrate Jesus Day officially. The rest of us displaced Texas citizens will have to celebrate un-officially wherever we may have been banished to. Better yet, we should ALL (Texans and not) celebrate Jesus daily in our lives… because after all, through Jesus comes freedom, peace, joy, forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life. That IS a reason to celebrate if you ask me.
Romans 8:20-21 ~ For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21) that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.Romans 5:1 ~ Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.Psalm 97:11 ~ Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.
Acts 2:38 ~ Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 4:12 ~ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.John 6:40 ~ For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Speaking of displaced Texas citizens and celebrations… I have a very happy praise to offer (to Jesus). My honey got word that we are most likely going to be moving home soon. He was picked for a promotion that would return us to our home state… and all we are waiting on is the signature of his CEO. I hope you will ask Jesus yourself (on our behalf) that He would also offer us relocation expenses and make the paperwork travel like wildfire so that we have official word soon. The sooner I can give 30 days notice to our apartments, the less money we are out… and the quicker we can be back on Texas soil! YEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW.
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Buzz Words: Jesus, Christianity, Life, Texas, Prayer, Happy, Personal, Holiday, Moving, Home, Bible, Joy, Family, Good News, Summer, Job, Prayer Request, Celebrate, June
That is FABULOUS about the job and move!!! Welcome back to Humidity and mosquitoes!!!
I will be sending up prayers for you and your family! o/Praise the Lord
Delaina in GA
Dreama – That all depends on where we end up in Texas, now, doesn’t it?! 😉 Although… I bet I can guess where you are!
Delaina – 🙂 Thanks for the prayers. Amen on the praises!
Ohhh…. I hope you guys get the sig! You’re in our prayers!!
I just wanted to let you know you have been given the Blogger Reflection Award. Here is the link,, for the post.
Thank you – for being a blogger in whom I can reflect on – you have been a true blessing! I am honored to give it you!
Hello Dear Friend-
Wowsers! So glad to hear the news!
Jocelyn is a doll, isn’t she? She and another friend both came up with a new blogger award… she says why on her post – in RE: to the thinking blogger award.
She and Amanda also posted their first Carnival of HomeSTEADing! Great idea, huh? Those girls!
Anyway, you asked about us moving. Well, I have wanted to move back to NM for a few years. I didn’t want it to be my idea, so I never really pushed for it, you know.
Matt is from NM; I am actually from IN. YUCK. His parents and my Mom are still there, in Las Cruces, near ElPaso. Anyway, he came home last month, tired of cold (IN) weather and his job (he’s a mailman), and I asked him if he wanted to move. He kinda’ said yes.
Then, we had some friends here a couple of weeks ago, and they are planning to move to AZ, and said we should move with them. They had no idea of our previous conversation. I guess AZ is close enough to NM that Matt started looking. I have talked to him about TX, due to the homeschool laws, and AZ laws are pretty good too. We’ll see!!
So there… probably more info than you wanted!!!
Take care and God bless you… praying…
I hope all goes well for you. It will be good to have you back on Texas soil (though it’s been pretty muddy lately–but that’s much better than the drought). And I had no idea about the proclamation!
Thanks so much Jocelyn. Thanks for the Reflection Award. 🙂 I’ll check that out. I got the Thinker Award, too… so now I need to go and post something about them. 🙂 That is sweet of you. I appreciate your encouragement.
Jacque – Yes, Jocelyn is great. 🙂 Morgan is already leaving comments for people, too. She loves blogging… and wants me to give her a blog. I don’t think the time is right for her yet, though. Well, if you end up in TX, let me know!!! It is one of the most friendly places in the nation to homeschool… and there are so many huge groups, extra-curricular opportunities and wonderful book fairs – no matter what city you end up in! Of course, the people are great, too! 😉 I’m sorta partial.
Sherry – Thanks so much on the welcome back. I hear that mud is happening down there all over the place. I do agree that it is better to be wet than dry, though (unless it is your house – and you flood… which has happened to me quite a few times back in the days!).