Next week my friend Kelly at Pass the Torch is gathering up everyone’s tips for beginner homeschoolers. She’s going to post a “Mr. Linky” with links from everyone’s homeschool blog posts. Join her next week and share as many links to posts as you would like.
This post is my contribution to her series and I hope that if YOU are a first time reader here, you’ll browse some of the links below. I have gathered up my “best of” posts that were written to help new homeschoolers navigate their journey as they set sail on the road to learning at home. God bless you and give you wisdom as you begin this new adventure.
I’ve been homeschooling for the past five years. This next school year will be our 6th. My kids are starting 4th and 5th grades this coming school-year. I keep records of all our learning adventures here at this blog for new homeschoolers (and old) to browse through for ideas and encouragement. This blog is my homeschool scrapbook, my journal, my personal family photo album and more. I also keep tons of homeschooling links in my sidebars… many that we use in our own studies every week.
Below are some links my homeschool-related archives here at Sprittibee:
Why Homeschool?
A-Z of Why I Homeschool
Why I Homeschool
Spritti What? (tells more about why I homeschool)
Homeschool: Did you make the right choice?
Christian Exodus from Public Schools
Yet Another Reason to Homeschool
Another Reason I Homeschool
Homeschooling Today in America – 2005
Four More Reasons to Homeschool
Beginning Homeschoolers
Homeschooling: Starting Out
Learning Outside the Box
Revised Parent’s Prayer
Homeschool Planner Set-up
More on Sprittibee’s Homeschool Series (my homeschool records, photos, lists, pdfs)
Lord, Teach Us to Parent
Making Vocabulary Fun
Fledgling Homeschool Co-op
A Scary Story About Standardized Test Scores
U.S. Public Schoolers Oblivious to the World
Back to School Interview with Sprittibee (about organization and scheduling)
Teaching Kids Time and Responsibility
Cultivating Love at Home: The Flowers of Affection
Sprittibee’s Field Trip Foto Friday Series
Homeschool Encouragement
Order and the Organized Homeschooler
Setting Up a Prayer Journal
Being a Good Steward of Time
When Life Gets in the Way
Reduce Stress This School-Year
Holiday Encouragement for Homeschool Moms
Encouragement for Homeschooling
For the WANNA-BE Super-Mom, Super-Homeschooler and Super-Blogger
Ode to Homeschool Mothers
Unit Study Homeschoolers (KONOS)
A More In-Depth Look at My KONOS Planning
KONOS Planning for Dummies
You Know You’re a KONOS Mom When…
Rainbow Days and Pots of Gold
My Updated KONOS Unit Planner PDF File
Subscribe to Sprittibee by Email
Buzz Words: Unit Study, Learning, Elementary, Encouragement, Christianity, Education, Homeschool Tips, Life, Teacher, SAHM, Kids, Links, Homeschooling, Children, Homeschool, Lesson Plans, Education, Family, Parenting, School, KONOS, Teaching
Thanks for the heads up, Heather.
Love your tips…you are the KONOS Queen. 😉
Awwww, you are too kind. I’m certainly Queen Bee at home… but I’m hardly a Queen of Homeschooling – or KONOS. I am just a regular worker-bee just like everyone else… trying to teach the little bees and stay busy.
Thanks for the announcement, Heather! And what an excellent post! Just what I’m hoping to see lots of in this project!
Thanks Kelly. 🙂 It took a while to get all the links in one post, but now I have them in one place (most of them, anyway) and it will be a LOT easier when I get questions to send just ONE link rather than 20.
Thanks, Heather! I love that all your links are together in one post now. I was just perusing some of them yesterday as I begin to make plans for 2007-08.
This should be an awesome project and the timing couldn’t be better.
Blessings! 🙂
Thank’ya, sweetie. I have been needing to reorganize my blog forever and a day. I’m getting really unhappy with it lately. I may do something drastic. 🙂
Those are useful tips. I believe that it will be a great home schooling experience with those tips. Thanks for sharing.
thanks, heather!
this is perfect timing! 🙂
Thanks! I can always depend on you for helpful blogs.
BTW- You definitely deserve the Reflections Award!
God Bless,
It’s good that I’ve stumbled upon your blog to take advantage of your tips.
Those are great tips and I thank you for sharing them.
Thanks fot the great tips!