New state.
New job.
New house.
New bills.
New doctors.
New baby?
I thought things only came in threes!?!
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Buzz Words: Baby, Stress, Blessing, Mommy, Parenting, Pregnant, Surprises, Expecting, Motherhood, Changes, Life, Family, Personal, Kids, Pregnancy
Well, ~Congratulations~!!!
~Heather 🙂
I am beyond excited for you! What a wonderful, wonderful blessing!
Heather, how exciting!!! I’m very happy for you! Congratulations.
I can’t help but laugh! Indeed, He does have a sense of humor, but He also has a great plan. Congratulations!
Oooh! That’s so wonderful! Congratulations!
That’s great! Think how much THIS little one will benefit from all of your knowledge and experience!
Whew, you made it back to TX just in time. Now you’ll give birth to a proper TEXAN. (I have three of them myself.)
Congratulations! 🙂
How exciting! I know a great OB if you don’t already have one.
Wow, congratulations!
OH. My. Goodness!!!!
That is so awesome!
A Texas baby!
Blessed Be! What a nice surprise. congratulations. 🙂
Ya just couldn’t hold it any longer, could you? LOL.
Love you guys!!!
Congratulations! What good news!
WOWOWOWOW! Congratulations!!!
oh my gosh! how exciting! congratulations! 🙂
You guys really come out of the woodwork when the news is extreme, don’t you?! 😉
Well… I’m trying to get excited about it. We are going to my MIL’s house tonight to share the news. She’s not a blog reader. Wonder what she will think? Kevin’s dad and stepmom are happy for us. My mom is freaking out as much as I am. Kevin looks like a deer in the headlights right about now.
Here’s a prayer request…
PLEASE pray that 1. MY hubby’s new job goes WELL and his insurance kicks in QUICK! and 2. That the house thing works out quickly and smoothly – without any surprises!
Once I get settled in a home and know for sure that his job and insurance are set… then maybe I can get really excited like you guys are!?! *grin*
Wow! Congrats!
Congratulations!!!! 🙂
Congratulations!! And that is threes…two sets of three!!
*By the way, same sense of humor is playing out at my brothers house right now!
We have a surprise baby who is now 11 months old…and what an incredible blessing! Congratulations!
Hey, they do come in three’s – kids that is!! Congratulations! God knew all along this sweet little blessing would be showing up at just this time! I suspect your kiddos will be a HUGE help.
Praying, praying, and praying some more, sweetie! 😀
SO happy for you! Congrats!
Oh, and its BAD things come in three’s…. good things… Graciously God has NO limits!
Hey… could be twins!
What wonderful news…..
Blessings Lori
Congratulations!!! That is wonderful.
Thanks so much, everyone.
I didn’t think about that, Sheri. I guess that is 2 sets of 3. As long as this isn’t 3 babies in my tummy, I guess we are all OK. 😉
Thanks for the prayers.
Today has been a whirlwind day of paperwork, faxing, phonecalls and getting our ducks in a row with the loan paperwork for the house.
I’m trying to figure out what to do with my cat for the next two weeks while we are in limbo before the closing. ACK! I may have to stay in another city with relatives since my friends in the area where we are living are preoccupied or have dogs inside. 🙁 Oh, well… some things can’t be helped.
One day at a time. One Chipotle Burrito Bol at a time (with some for leftover the next day in the fridge)…
“Hey, they do come in three’s – kids that is!!“
Aww, someone beat me to it.
Well, congratulations!
~Katey in Idaho
CONGRATS!! What an excellent surprise!!
I pray for a easy pregnancy.
As Always…
!!SUPERANGEL!! !!Amanda!!
YAY! OH I am SO excited for you, deary! Just OVERJOYED! PTL! This baby will be blessed!!
Read my latest posts…
My Hope Chest Part II:
Rockin’ Girl Blogger Award:
8 Things ‘Bout Me:
That is GREAT!!! My fourth child came unexpectedly, but we were thrilled and still are. We were a little shocked. We were leaving for a cruise in 2 days! That was 6 years ago. We live in Texas if you need any help finding anything, let me know. HUGS!
Ooooh lucky lucky! So excited! Great blessing indeed. Congratulations!
The only one of our children who was “planned” was the first one; all the others were gracious surprises. And we couldn’t afford any of them! Five in all, and two of them are in heaven now. Either you trust God, or you don’t, no matter what happens. Your feelings will come around soon enough.
🙂 Thanks everyone. I sure appreciate your joy. That makes the shock a little less shocking. 🙂
Thanks for the wishes for an easy pregnancy, Superangel. 🙂 I have not really had a bad pregnancy. Most of the time I do fine (except the miserable ‘bigness’ at the end). Not looking forward to that part of it – nor the birthing part of it… but then who does?!
Great advice, Sherry. Yes, I need to thank God and really ask for Him to help me trust. Maybe that is what this whole big move was about. Trusting Him to come through. It has been a wild three weeks… and will be followed by another wild three weeks… and then nine months… and then…
my kids will have playmates when we get down there 🙂
God does have quite the sense of humor. 🙂
I’m thrilled for you, though. You’ll have two sets of hands to help!
Oh my! What a great housewarming present that will be! Chipotle makes everything a little better, don’t you think? (That’s my favorite place to eat.) I’ll be praying for a healthy pregnancy & baby.
I’m coming out of the woodwork to comment too! I remember you from way back in the good ol’ days on message boards at Moms Online I think it was. 8~) Awhile ago, I happened upon your blog again, thanks in part to Bev, and have been reading along.
Anyway – huge Congratulations!!!!!! Praying for safe and healthy pregnancy for you!!!
Congratulations!! You know what this means, don’t you? You can send your husband on Chipotle runs due to pregnancy cravings 🙂 Oh, and by the way, have your kids put together their birds and bees talk from a while back with your new baby bee in your belly? Shreeks of *ewww!!* would be heard around the nation 🙂
Kathy D.
MBR – KIDS? Are you having twins? ???
Comfy Denim – Yes, the kids (especially Morgan the ‘mother hen’) will definitely be a big help. Not to mention that my mother is moving in with me! 😉 She is AWESOME with babies… and a FREE babysitter!
Amy – You and me both, baby! I just wrote to Mojo Mama at Chipotle to share my moving picture and news of our being back in town. 😉 She wrote me back and said she was glad I was back near a Chipotle. I guess everyone should buy stock quick. I’m sure their profits will go up this year. 😉 LOL
Kympossible – Hi again! Do you have a blog? Those message board days feel like ancient history. It was so nice to finally meet Bev, however. It was like meeting an old friend – even though we had never met before. Are you in TX?
Kathy D – Story: when we told the kids about it, Kaden looked at us with this “I know what you two were up to” look. Then he told his grandpa that I was “getting pregnant”. Daddy came home the next day and grandpa told him what Kaden said (laughing) and daddy said to grandpa: “Well, if she’s getting pregnant, you better warn her that I’m home now.” LOL (of course, Kaden wasn’t around to hear that… but I sure got a kick out of it). Yes, I think they know how the baby got there for sure. One of them asked us if we were ever going to “do that again… you know, when you put a baby inside mommy’s belly”. But that was a long time back – when we were in AR. LOL Kids are funny.
Oh, and Chipotle Runs. How sweet it is! I’m eating leftover Chipotle again for lunch today. 😉 We ate at a different Mexican Food place last night and I had tortilla soup.
Enjoy your Chipotle! At the height of my Chipotleness, I ate there as often as 3 times a week! LOL!!! This baby ought to LOVE Mexican/Chipotle, eh? 😀
heather: No, not twins (this time) Thankfully (Though when I was a kid I wanted them) Just counting my chicks before they are laid! We have this one due… well, really he could come any day now.
And then we’ll be down in Texas (in current time schedule) next August.
And I expect we’ll be pregnant with our second within a year or so of then. Putting this one of yours smack dab in the middle of them 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless,
Hi Heather – nope, I’m not in TX, a long way from it! I’m in MD. My blog is at
Shows how far behind I am getting, but congratulations!
God bless.
CONGRATS, HEATHER!!!! How exciting to be expecting another little blessing from God!
Wow! Congratulations!!! God does indeed have perfect timing, doesn’t He?