Apart from our 4th of July party at my mother-in-law’s house tomorrow, we will be on the road and house hunting for the next week or two. My sweetie starts his new position on Monday the 16th! We have a very short time to find a home. The market is looking a tad pricey, so please pray for a miracle and the perfect home (with the perfect price-tag) to be “dropped into our lap”. Also pray for the process to be smooth and stress-free. Heaven knows we need some sanity as we go through all these major life-changes.
I have been reading Clay and Sally Clarkson’s “Educating the WholeHearted Child” in my ‘spare’ time. I am looking forward to being in my own place again and unpacking everything. I would love to get prepared for next school year and start our homeschooling in early August. That is my prayer… that we can be settled in a new home by the 16th (or so) and totally unpacked by the end of July!
If I’m absent from blogging a few days here and there, I hope you will excuse me!
God bless and Happy 4th of July!
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Buzz Words: Houses, Texas, House Hunting, Moving, Changes, Life, Stress, Realtors, Realty, Mortgage, Financing, Unpacking, Homeschooling, Plans, Personal, Adjusting, Decisions, Summer, House, Finances
Of course you are excused dear… house hunting, moving, new jobs, Oh my!
I am keeping you in prayer!
Ok… Jocelyn totally wants that house on the top of this post! REALLY. In addition to that – We posted a recipe from Gathering Manna on THC, which is at le blog de moi this week! lol…
Here is the link:
And! I LOVE Educating the Wholehearted Child! Love it! It is one of the reasons we school the way we do now. Very inspiring. Right up there with The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach by Robin Sampson.
I will keep you in my prayers for stress-free house hunting.
Sally Clarkson is a wonderful author. Right now I am reading The Mission of Motherhood.
Amy – 🙂 Yes, it is a tall order. I’m feeling quite emotional most of the time lately.
Jacque – I bet Jocelyn likes that house. It looks pretty hobbit-ish. Thanks for the post from GM. I have been really neglecting it over there. I made the most amazing blueberry muffins from scratch before we moved and took photos of them… but the recipe didn’t get posted.
Don’t you love the Clarks? I will have to check out that other book you suggested.
Amy – Thanks so much for the prayers. I’ll have to check out the book you listed.
Awww, man… we did the calculations tonight on the price we need for a home and it is looking really tight with the market. Prayers for a great price on what we need would be appreciated.
We’ve been unpacking for almost a week now. I hope you can get yours done faster. Of course, it doesn’t help that we are moving from larger to smaller. I think we will have to give some things away! Best wishes!!
Wishing you smooth sailing (figuratively only, stay out of the flood areas!) all the way.
Heather…what area are you looking in and what price range? i have a friend selling in the dallas burbs somewhere(cant remember where but her house looks AWESOME and the asking price seemed to me to be extremely reasonable for DFW area)
good luck with the rest of the move…BTW what part of AR were you in before you moved?
Karen – We did larger to smaller last time. I gave half of my clothes away because the closets were so tiny. This time I hope to get a larger home (anything is larger than the apartment we were in in AR). I still have been giving things away, though. So far we already gave away my husband’s smoker grill, a bicycle, a gliding rocker with an ottoman, etc. I am sure I’ll be doing more of that once we get where we are going. Last move we didn’t unpack the last box until the week we moved out… and clean the garage out… and paint the kitchen. This time, I’m going to do it all in a month, hopefully! Garage, paint, and UNBOX.
Thanks Sherry! 😉 It may be sailing literally… I can’t believe all this rain!
Steff – I normally don’t share the city type details on here. However, if I know who you are, I might share it off-blog through email. 🙂 We lived in the outskirts of Little Rock while we were in AR. I miss the weather, the friendly people, and the scenery already.
Congrats on Kevin starting his job in a couple of weeks! That’s awesome!
I love the Hobbity house picture! I wouldn’t mind living there. 🙂
That’s a wonderful book. I would like to read some of it before starting back up this year too.
Praying for the house hunt, the moving, and all that goes along with that. 😀
Those houses look like hobbit-holes!
Heather…her house is in the richardson area…mid 200s i believe. We live right near the OK/AR state line by fayetteville but I love AR and how friendly it is. I always have. good luck with the househunting!
I love the book Educating the WholeHearted Child. It’s a keeper on the book shelf. May you be as blessed in your reading as I have been.
I pray that you will have an easy home hunt!
Okay, here’s several misc. comments:
Good to hear from you. I am really glad you found a place that you like.
I LOVE the house in the pic. I WANT-TO-MOVE-THERE-NOW.
I really like the Clarkson’s too. I keep up with their blogs.
You may have helped us solve our bettle identifying dilemma on our nature blog. Ours looks just like yours but without the eyeballs on the wings. Thanks!
Bunny-poo… Thanks. 🙂 He starts his job on the 16th. Thanks even more for the prayers!!! I appreciate the comforting emails as well. Nice to have someone to lean on.
MBR – Don’t those houses look cute?! You won’t find them in Texas, though. Too close to the water table anywhere that can grow year-long green grass like that! That is why we don’t have basements! I love basements. I miss my grandparent’s basement up in Seattle. My grandpa had an amazing train track set up down there that looped around the whole room… little cities… all electric. It was so fun!
LindaFay! Thanks for the comment. Yes, that is a cute little hobbit house. I didn’t know that the Clarkson’s had blogs. Now I’ll have a new addiction, thanks to you! 😉 Glad to help you on the beetle. Leave me the link to your nature blog some time and I’ll add it to my collection of favorites! Can’t wait to have time to read blogs again.
Good luck, right?! Spare time is looking slim to none with closing, moving, unpacking, starting school, etc. on the horizon. 🙁
Love to all, Sprittibee