When Trish told me about her Winter Reading Challenge, I thought… why not? It couldn’t hurt to take my brain out of the children’s reading section and use it some, right? I feel like I have been in a bubble for the past few years as far as adult reading goes. I won’t even tell you how long it has been since I finished a book. For shame, for shame! I have a long list of outdated volumes on my bookshelves at home collecting dust that I haven’t finished – or have forgotten and need to read again. They are happy to finally be out of storage and back on the shelves in our house… but if no one reads them, that back-breaking manual labor will all have been in vain. I might as well get them out and read them since they caused us to wear the Icy-Hot patch, eh?
It couldn’t hurt to win a gift certificate, either. Trish is giving away 25$ at Amazon to a random participant! You can always count me in when there is a gift certificate involved.
It isn’t just mom who needs to be reading more, though. In the past few years using KONOS for homeschooling we have read a LOT of books. This school year we have slacked off a bit for some reason. Not sure if it has been because we are reading longer books or just that we have had a rough school year with all our health issues. Library trips have been fewer and farther between… and I have racked up some late fees (including a missing book that disappeared on Christmas vacation that is still outstanding). I miss reading as much as we used to. Reading, History and Art are my favorite subjects at our homeschool (unless you count Field Trips as a subject).
It is time I unshelve myself again! That sounds like a lovely New Years Resolution. I hope you will join me! Don’t make fun of me for some of these old outdated titles. I’m not very hip – I’ll let you know that up front!
In keeping with my personality disorder (perfectionism? self-torture is a better word for it), I will provide you with an endless list that can not humanly be accomplished by the end of Winter. Trish didn’t specify WHICH winter she wanted these read by… did she, now?
Oh, and since I’m spending so much time on this (another personality disorder – A.D.D. hyperfocusing and rabbit trailing myself to DEATH), I think I’ll just keep this list and continue to add to it and cross it off as we go…. (another personality disorder – compulsive list making). Hmmmm… Maybe I need to get some books on my personality disorders instead of all this junk, eh? No, really – most of these books come highly recommended to me from other homeschool mothers that I respect and admire.
* Purple are books contained in my local public library
* Italics and black bolded titles are completed!
Sprittibee’s Reading List (populated by books on the shelves at home):
Forgiveness… the Ultimate Miracle – Paul J. Meyer
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
The Life God Blesses – Cymbala
The Bible Cure for Weight Loss & Muscle Gain – Don Colbert, M.D.
God’s Ultimate Passion – Viola
Queen of the Castle – Lynn Bowen Walker
12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Woman – Jordan
What Would Jesus Eat – Colbert
To Love, Honor and Vacuum – Gregoire
God’s Word for Women (Devotional) – Barbour
The Five Love Languages – Chapman
Created to Be His Helpmeet – Debi Pearl
The Irresistible Revolution – Shane Claiborne
The Lie: Evolution – Ken Ham
Harvesting the Heart – Jodi Picoult
The Lights of Tenth Street – Shaunti Feldhahn
America’s Providential History – Beliles & McDowell
Educating the WholeHearted Child – Clarksons
The Five Love Languages of Children – Chapman
The Devil Knows Latin, Why America Needs the Classical Tradition – E. Christian Kopff
Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
Beyond Survival – Guide to Abundant Homeschooling by Diana Waring
Books I want to read that I don’t have at home:
The Charlotte Mason Series
Pride and Prejudice
Teaching the Trivium by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn
a Mexican cookbook by Diana Kennedy
The Treasure Principle – Randy Alcorn
Money, Possessions and Eternity
Managers of Their Homes
Managers of Their Chores
Parenting with Scripture by Kara Durbin
Proverbs for Parenting by Doorposts
Nitty Gritty Grammar
More Nitty Gritty Grammar
Raising Young Maidens of Virtue by Stacey McDonald
Raising Godly Tomatoes
Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins
BEING TEXAN, Celebrating A State of Mind – Jeff Carroll
Fundamentals of Homeschooling – Ann Lahrson Fisher
Missionary Patriarch – The True Story of John G. Paton
Frontier Evangelism Series by C.H. Pearson
Of Plymouth Plantation (modern translation only)
American Dictionary of The English Language 1828 – Noah Webster
Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson
And the Shofar Blew – Francine Rivers
Atonement Child – Francine Rivers
Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World
Smart Moves
The Everything Homeschooling Book by Sherri Linsenbach
How To Homeschool A Practical Approach by Gayle Graham
Things We Wished We Would Have Known
Heart of Wisdom called The Family Guide to Biblical Holidays
How to Write Clearly by Ruth Beechick
A Tea for All Seasons by Zondervan Gifts
The Twelve Teas® of Friendship by Emilie Barnes
Tea with Jane Austen by Kim Wilson
Honey for a Child’s Heart by Gladys Hunt
Changing Your Child’s Heart: Parenting Tools to Change Your Child’s Attitude
Miserly Meals: Healthy, Tasty Recipes Under 75¢ per Serving
Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence
Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit
Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel
The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn
Miserly Moms,: Living on One Income in a Two-Income Economy by Jonni McCoy
Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld
The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool by David D’escoto
Godless: The Church of Liberalism by Ann Coulter
An Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World’s Biggest Problems – Beck
Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America by Jeff Pollard
Why America is free: A history of the founding of the American Republic, 1750-1800
by Kenneth Earl Hamburger
Here’s the reading list for the Kids (from our shelves):
The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall
24 Family Ways by Clay and Sally Clarkson
Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
Spirit of the Horse – Bob Langrish
Amazing Bugs – DK
Where the Sidewalk Ends – Shel Silverstein
The Sign of the Seahorse – Grame Base
Elsie Dinsmore Book 4 – Martha Finely
Cats – DK
5 Little Peppers and How they Grew – Margaret Sydney
Art Express 1-5 – Harcourt Brace & Co. Textbooks
Kid books we want to read but don’t have:
The Cricket in Times Square
The Story-Land of Science by Jean Henri Fabre
Wild Life in Woods and Fields by Arabella B. Buckley
Among the Forest People by Clara Dillingham Pierson
“What in the world is going on here?” – Diana Waring
Calico’s Cousins: Cats from around the World by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes
The Life of George Washington
Where the Pirates Are by Tom Townsend
Sisters in Time series
Celebrate America: Learning About the U.S.a Through Crafts & Activities
The History of Medicine – Tiner
Abbie Burgess Lighthouse Heroine by Ruth Sexton Sargent and Dorothy Holder Jones
Beautiful Girlhood revised by Karen Andreola
Fox’s Book of Martyrs
Jesus Freaks by DC Talk (other volumes besides #2)
God, Mom, Me and Tea – by Doorposts Ministries
Fifty Nifty States by Jerry Aten
Follow My Leader by James B. Garfield
Mama Don’t Allow by Thacher Hurd
The Princess and the Kiss
Toliver’s Secret
The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters – Logan
Titus: A Comrade of the Cross
Boys of Grit Who became Men of Honor
God’s Design for Sex series (books 2,3,4)
The Beautiful Girlhood Collection
Daughters of Destiny by Noelle Goforth
The Basket of Flowers (A Tale of Devotion) by Christoph Von Schmid
The G. A. Henty Historical Adventures Series (9 titles only)
Stories of the Old Dominion (True Patriot Stories)
Pilgrim’s Progress
The Blue Back Speller
The New England Primer
Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Carry on, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Latham
Seabird by Holling C. Holling
The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz
PAGOO – Holling C. Holling
A Solitary Blue by Cynthia Voight
Homecoming by Cynthia Voight
Dicey’s Song by Cynthia Voight
Laura Ingels Wilder books (60 titles)
The Redwall Series
Quest for Camelot by Warner Bros. Family Entertainment (video)
Secret Keeper Girl: The Power of True Beauty and Modesty
Eight Great Dates for You and Your Daughter by Dannah Gresh
365 Days of Celebration and Praise by Julie Lavender
Devotions for Girls done by “God and Me!”
Understood Betsy
D’Aulair Historical Children’s Books (6 titles)
The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook
Laura Ingalls Wilder Country Cookbook
The Little House Cookbook
The Young Man’s Handbook
Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook
Anne of Green Gables Collection (sound recording)
Lots of books from this list: Classical Christian Education
Lots of books from this list: Ambleside Online Reading Lists
And as a side note… these are the books that I was unable to get from the library for our current unit on the Tabernacle:
KONOS & Other Homeschool Books I Need Right Now:
1. Teaching the Word of Truth – Donald Grey Barnhouse
2. What’s in an Egg – Joan Gleason Budai
3. Three in One – Joanne Marxhauser
4. any book about St. Augustine
5. O’ Jerusalem – John Thompson
suggested books are:
The Tabernacle of God in the Wilderness of Sinai – Paul Kiene
The Book of Life 4: God’s Tabernacle – Zondervan
6. any book about the fleur-de-lys symbol in France
7. Two Boys of Baghdad
8. The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
9. Books about India and Pakistan (for our Visualize World Geography)
10. A Passage to India (video)
11. For the Temple – A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem – G.A. Henty
I hate it when I can’t find KONOS books that I need. I can’t afford to just buy every book on their list… so we are stumped when the library doesn’t have substitutes. That is the case with this unit, unfortunately.
So do you feel overwhelmed yet? I have that affect on people. Especially myself.
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Buzz Words: Vote, 2008, Candidates, Politics, Ron Paul, Decisions, America, President, Elections, Texas, Government, Political, Homeschooling, Homeschoolers, Opinion, Conservative, Republican, Voting, Huckabee
Holy Wow, Heather! I thought MY list was a long one! (I’ll post it for the challenge, as well).
Don’t forget the excellent sources online for free ebooks:
http://www.librivox.org – audio books
http://www.gutenberg.org – free ebooks
http://www.wowio.com – ebooks (nicely formatted)
I’m sure there are others.
Pride and Prejudice is available for free – I downloaded a copy for myself!
Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson
–EXCELLENT. I’ve got this in my CD player listening to right now.
Heather — I had to laugh reading your prelude to the list! And then my eyes started to cross just looking at the list…LOL.. Way too many! Good thing Trish didn’t specify a winter 😉
God bless,
I’m posting one, too. You’ve just proven something I told my husband about you: You know the saying that a woman has more words a day (to say) than a man? I told him you have more words a day in print! HA! My list will look quite piddling in comparison. 🙁
Heck, I just posted a Wordless Wednesday; how many less words can you get?
WOW!! I thought my list was long. But yours is an epistle to mine. haha
I did a post sorta like this one a couple weeks ago, but I am going to add some more books and enter this reading challenge. looks like fun!!
yes, we had loads of fun. Well execpt when Paulie and I deleted my blog. Not fun!! haha
I love company too. I would love to have you as company!! Coming this way anytime soon?? 😉
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great day!!
Love, Prayers, and Blessings,
What a useful post!!! Thanks for those links. You and me both!!! All I ever read lately are my kids books, which are great because they are good books, but I haven’t read anything off my own list in ages. I am resolved to do more for myself this year and read more books off my own list. I have to take better care of myself (and my mind!!)
I finally read Northanger Abbey in December and died laughing. I think it’s my favorite Jane Austen.
Holy Moly! That is a huge list! Good luck!
And I thought I was being ambitious by putting Uncle Tom’s Cabin on my list! I can’t wait to see what you cross off by March 17th!
What a humongo list! Great idea to get it all written down though – it’s a great one!
Heather, my goodness! Wonderful list ~ thanks for participating in the Winter Reading Challenge!