Austin’s Morning News on AM News radio 590AM had an interesting debate between UT students here in the Lone Star State this morning. A group of students from each political front-runner’s camp were arguing about education. One of the students (liberal) said that “you can’t beat the public schools” and if you talked bad about his elementary school where he went, he would get in to a fight with you. One of the talk-show hosts replied, “Private schools and homeschooling is kicking your butt!”
I got a big chuckle out of that.
So remember that you are making a difference while you are in the trenches – giving up your fancy his & hers SUV, your 500,000$ new home with a panoramic view of the hill country, and all the trips to Europe you always wanted to take (because you are sacrificing your salary to raise good citizens). When you are feeling like a homeschool flop today because you are underpaid, overworked, under-staffed and under-appreciated…
…just remember – on your worst day, you are “kicking butt!”
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Encouragement, Politics, Pat on the Back, Education, Radio, Homeschool, News, UT, Austin, Teaching, Elementary, SAHM, Humor, Parenting, Funny, Talk Show, Opinion
Thanks! I needed that. 😀
Let me guess about that comment … Sergent Sam, said it, correct ?
🙂 You are more than welcome, Amy! I needed it, too! Feeling particularly floppish today.
RG – I guess Sgt. Sam is the conservative bubba? 😉 If so, he’s my kinda guy! 😉 I love it when people stand for something. He’s got grit! Of course, so do you. And Kevin, too. Maybe we should write Sgt. Sam’s name on the ballot for president?
very funny! haha! Thanks for sharing!
I am glad you enjoyed the carnival!
Prayers and Blessings,
Miss Amanda
This put a smile on my face.
😉 I am still laughing about it…
love that kind of homeschool encouragement!!!
Haha you’re funny.
Thank you for your prayers for Caleb. I posted an update on him.
We all need that encouragement sometimes. When I feel like we haven’t accomplished much and I’ve only spent 30 minutes on any kind of lesson, I realize that that 30 minutes of one on one time is more than my child would have gotten all week (all month maybe) in the public school.
Great stuff. We kick b* because we use the best tools. Can I plug my new favorite?