Morgan took this shot Monday and I doctored it in Fast Stone Image Viewer for your viewing pleasure. She’s getting to be a regular little photographer lately! We are on Spring Break (visiting with out of town friends) until tomorrow in case anyone was wondering why it was so quiet in here. See you then!
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Buzz Words: Pink, Driving, Photography, Sky, City, Pictures, Wordless Wednesday, Photos, Image Alteration, Road Signs
Morgan has an eye for composition: I love the perspective in this photo!
I’ve posted my Wordless Wednesday contribution here:
I hope you can drop by and say hi sometime soon.
All the best,
Wow! She seems to have a natural talent for photography.
Kathy D.
nice effect for this one.
Check out mine too!
Arc Bridge
Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Nice picture.
(Do you buy Peeps? Let me know in the poll on my BLOG)
i see morgan having her on photo blogsite realy soon. 😀
have a wonderful day!
Mapped Memories
Cafe Munchkin
I gave you some linky love at
oh and i love this picture! my daughter loves everything that is pink.
it’s too bad more signs can’t be pink!!
and I’m totally up for seeing that “real” pic of you. you know my email…
She sure has a good eye! Maybe she’ll have to join in the WW fun on her blog!
Love the pinkness. Glad you decided to play.
Enjoy your break & friends. One of my good friends from CA is coming in today, along with her daughter, for the next 10 days. I’m totally jazzed! 😀
Nice, clear photo – good work, Morgan!!
Thank you for all of the nice comments! 🙂