* Update 6:53 PM Friday 3/7/08: 5 Minutes for Mom’s Server is UP again! The blog Party is ON! I’m just after #100 on their linky list! They had so much traffic last night that it crashed their site. Glad to see that the party will go on.*
Hey there, blogger buddies! Time to party down! I had no idea what a blog party was, but Janice and Susan changed all that. I actually read the whole introductory post about it and I think I have it figured out.
Here’s the Blog Party “for Dummies” version in case you are slow like me:
1. The purpose is to introduce new blogs, meet new bloggers, have fun, win prizes “and stuff”.
2. To participate, you post the graphic in your sidebar, add your name to the linky (important if you want to win a prize), and host a “party” on your blog.
Here’s 5 Minutes for Mom’s ideas on what a party should look like on your blog:
So throw a party that showcases your blog and your style. Add some pictures, music, video, slide show, or even a voice post, decorate, include recipes, make your guests laugh – whatever you want. Be creative and have fun!
And, of course, make sure you introduce yourself.
3. If you have a cool prize to give away, email Pamela and mention it on your party post.
4. Attend at least 20 parties on the linky – and leave a comment on each one (to be considered for the prize drawing). I love comments. That will be the fun part.
So… I’m excited. Aren’t you?
OK… here’s my ultra-hip prize: A box of Pysanka Easter Egg Sleeves! Yep, I know it’s not an Ipod, but these are really fun and pretty… and the kids love ’em! I posted about our egg sleeve success last year in case you want to check out the photos. The winner of this eggstra neat prize will be chosen at random from the party headquarters! Be sure to join the party, comment on 20 participating blogs, and add your name to the Mr. Linky to be included in the drawing.
What better way to throw a party on your blog than to offer egg sleeves? Baby, I’ve got it goin’ on! I know you won’t be able to resist coming back to visit me again!
So here’s my eggcelent introduction as well…
Hi, my name is Heather and I’m a fry toucher. My children make green-haired Easter people and eat volcanoes for dinner. We homeschool, carschool, and take field trips to public school. I would probably get more done if I didn’t have ADD and end up on so many rabbit trails. I have two great kids – one blue, one pink – and two very pretty cats (one evil-snot, one lover-boy). We live in Texas and dream big. In my spare time, I love to take photos… put stuff on the cats… eat at Chipotle… and blog like a madwoman. I also write for The Homeschool Blog Awards, Heart of the Matter, and Gathering Manna. I blog for book money, Italian coffee, sweet tea, Godiva Raspberry Dark Chocolate bars, and for free. Mostly for free. Because I’m crazy like that.
Stick around and join me on my homeschool journey… or just hang out and chit chat. I love comments. You can also visit my Coffee Lounge and hear some groovy tunes… and see my photo slideshow. Don’t say I never gave you anything for ‘Blog Party Day’.
Welcome to my little corner of the net! Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?
Update 3/8/08… I made it through to #35 on the linky today. I’m checking out your parties! Meeting new people, commenting as I go. How fun is this?! Sadly, I have no time to blog. Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward tonight. I’ll post my 800 favorite prizes at the bottom of this post later this week. Cuz I want to win something cool. Don’t you???
Update 3/9/08… I made it through to #75 on the linky today. Commenting takes a lot out of you! I’m planning to comment on almost every blog if I can think of something besides “party on!” to say! Right now I’m off to church and small group… see you later tonight!
Update 3/13/08… Took the day off from commenting so I could read through the prize list and pick my favorites. Below are what I came up with. Hope I win something for all the time I have put in to the blog party this week! One week is way too short to do a party of this scale!
PRIZES I hope to win…
#100 – 25$ Target giftcard and a Rachel Ray Cookbook (with cool bag, etc.)
#60 – 25$ Amazon giftcard
#117 – 25$ Target giftcard
#140 – 20$ Amazon giftcard
#59 – 25$ paypal
#124 – Rachel Ray Cookbook
#87 – Cool blue beaded necklaceAnd… if that doesn’t work out, here are the rest (in order) that I would gladly accept as well: #’s… 39, 24, 25, 20, 103, 104, 119, 70, 61, 67, 78, 91, 92, 94, 57, 116, 112, 107, 93, 71, 72, 90, 3, 9, 136, 29, 30, 31, 38, 122, 149, 130, 46, 152, 45, 41, 14, 69
* Thank you to Easter Egg Ornaments for the awesome egg sleeve prize! Go over and buy some sleeves from them if you need some decorating ideas for this Easter!
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Buzz Words: homeschool, blog party, fun, friends, networking, moms, women bloggers, personal, dummies, eggs, Easter, prize, win, about me, humor, silly, March, introductions, blogging
The only thing funnier than you touching that guys fries was that you actually published that you did on your blog!!! I love IT!!
That story always makes me laugh!
I LOVE your post! That’s so creative and fun. I posted my party, too, and linked back to your funness. 😀
Awesome Easter egg sleeves. Wow, I forgot the blog party thing was upon us; I’d better get on it! Great post and I love your “for Dummies” graphic!
I love those Easter egg sleeves! Enjoy the party!
Love your blog!! So funny. Happy blog party week!!
What a fun post! I didn’t know you were in Texas (me too!).
Happy blog partying. 🙂
Oooh, I forgot about the blog party, too! Thanks for the reminder! 🙂
Oh, and I think of you every time I eat at Chic-fil-A now, too! You fry thief, you!
Those are some purdy eggs! I remember your post from last year when y’all did those. You’re such a cool mom! 🙂
Love ya,
Home For Heaven’s Sake
Pufferfish Diaries
Hi, Heather!
Those egg sleeves are really neat looking. I’ve never seen anything like that before.
Hey girl – great party post! So sorry for the tech issues! Man that was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!
We are up now – yeah!!!
BRILLIANT — Your Blog Party for Dummies book is soooooo fantastic!!!
And those egg sleeves are super cute!
What a fun post… I wish I had time to hang out and read more. But I gotta run…
Inviting you to party with me!
Win Chocolates:
Win a handmade pocket place mat:
Join me this month at A Cup of Joy for Missions Month:
Neat post, Heather!
I’ll have to look into this blog party thing.
Great eggs, too!
Hi, from a fellow Texan, ADD sufferer, bunny trail hopper and french fry toucher. You & I are kindred spirits! I am bookmarking your blog & will be back soon. Please come by my blog for a visit if you have the time.
So nice to meet you – thanks for having me – your gorgeous egg sleeves remind me of Easter in Hungary (where my parents are from) and I absolutely love the folksy feel.
Thanks for introducing your family, and the pets – your evil-snot would get along well with my delinquent.
Have a great week!
Great party! You’ve got me rolling on the floor!
So nice to meet you! I’m marking you as a favorite so I can come back later and laugh some more! Hope to see you over at my party! Sorry, I’m not serving french fries!
I love, love, love your blog. Original, funny, and just the right amoung of quirky. I’ll definately be back to get some more of that wit.
If you want to party at my place, you can head on over and find it here!
Oh those Easter egg sleeves bring back great childhood memories, thank you 🙂
Come visit my party in sunny southern Italy when you get a chance:
Bleeding Espresso
Those Easter egg sleeves are too cool, great prize! I hope you have a great party!
Thanks for visiting my party and being resourceful enough to find it even after my name gets you to an error! 🙂 I’m glad you mentioned it. I reposted at #800 and something!!
I love your book cover you clever girl! Those egg sleeves look amazing.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Any photo hints you want to send my way would be appreciated! Love your blog!
Great party post! 🙂 It’s nice to “meet” you!
Thanks for stopping by. You are so gracious to go visit everyone. I have been busy just trying to respond to people who comment and see their blogs. It does take a lot out of you but it is tons of fun.
You said you are a writer. What kinds of things do you write? I am just getting started with writing officially even though unofficially, I have been writing for years for newsletters, etc. Now comes the fun part of trying to make some money doing it!
Take care and have a great week.
thanks for visiting my party. 🙂
i’m glad i stopped in and got to know a bit more about you. love your blog party basics for dummies. 🙂 too cute!
and good for you and your kids for picking up trash. 🙂 that rocks!
Wow, you are definitely the most thorough party-goer I’ve visited yet: complete instructions and updates about how many you’ve visited! Can you organize me like that? Also thanks for visiting 2nd cup of coffee–you are the first blogger ever to comment on my quote. I love it! AND I just began a sentence with a conjunction, which they tell you not to do in college. SO you can see, I live out what I preach!
Thanks for stopping by my little blog! What a great post you have. Good luck on making it through the all the links. LOL – Happy party hopping.
I know what you mean about commenting taking a lot out of you. I’m trying to get to all the blogs in the party but I’m just not sure if I can do it.
And I LOVED your introduction… very creative.
sweetie you’d be able to blog more if you gave up your maths worksheets 😉
from your cheeky blog party-goer!
Loving your fun and quirky spirit! Thanks for coming by Mel’s World to visit…I’d love to hang out and visit a bit again soon!
Take Care,
Those egg sleeves are pretty. I’ve never seen those before. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy blog hopping!
Thanks for the comments on my blog – I am loving this party thing!! Your blog is a hoot – I will be back for sure!!
Becky Jo
Thanks for the great quote you left on Flat Betty’s Blog!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment about our Maine Coon! I’m crazy for the photo of Minga in the dresser drawer, and Quaker is so beautiful, and your heart must still hurt for Pug. Any fellow animal lover is special to me. Happy blog party!
Thanks for coming by my blog and for your sweet encouraging feedback! Enjoyed meeting you. Always good to “know” a fellow Texan. Love to listen to KSBJ when I’m in Houston visiting in-laws – I grew up there!
Interesting your political post – did you happen to click on my home page and read my Primarily Speaking post?! (I am so not political, but that’s the only thing that’s keeping me sane this election year!)
Happy blog party!!
I made a mistake when I posted my first link (to the comments), but about five blogs down is my corrected link. Thanks for trying to visit! 🙂
Love your layout. Your introduction made me laugh! Awesome! Nice to meet you! Have a great time blog partying 🙂
Okay, I got hooked by the cat named evil-snot. I think because I have his twin at home. 🙂 Anyway, love your wit, so I’ll be back for more in-depth reading later!
Nice to meet you!
I, too, am struggling with trying to maintain a life and read everyone’s blogs. I haven’t even gotten through the first 100 yet. I’ll be at this way after just this week of blog partying. Thanks for visiting my blog. Love yours!
That cartoon is awesome! I don’t get nearly the attention you get, nor did I set the goal to comment on all (I was thinkin’ half?) and MY. Goodness! I am having trouble just keeping up with the comments – all 16 of ’em.
Anyway… I’ m like way down on the lower end of the 600’s on that list. I’ve just been looking for clever names and going from there.
Party on, we just need to watch out for that hangover in a few days 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Teen Lit Review. Really love your blog. I think I will head on over to the Homeschool Blog Awards. If you get a chanace and want to sign up for another book, please visit my personal blog at: http://scampsplace.blogspot.com
Your kids are sooooo cute! And your blog party for dummies pic is adorable! Great ideas!
Thanks for stopping by my blog party! I havent decided either which is more important- blog party or getting stuff done in real life!
Thank you so much for stopping by! You have a great blog and it’s been great to meet you. Happy blog hopping!
Great post – seriously, the fry-toucher story – very hilarious! But you are right, no one is perfect and we do have to be able to laugh at ourselves some times! =)
Okay, not to brag, but I made it all the way to #125 today.
It’s nice to see some honesty in the homeschooling world. We have to have ADD to make it through anything.
Have fun!
Great “for dummies” thing. So funny.
Happy blog partying.
party on! 🙂 i hope you came up with something to say as you visit all these blogs. i am on a mission to visit all of the blogs that registered before me (#129) and then i am going to try to visit all of the other blogs that end in the number 9! i just hope i can get to that many of them! so much fun! party on YALL (fellow TEXAN here!)
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog party! I am finally making the rounds — any munchies left? 🙂 I don’t think I’ll make it to all of them, though — I’m visiting those who visited me, then I may start from the bottom of the list and work my way up so those poor folks at the end get some visitors.
I had to read the fry toucher story — LOL! And I love you Blog Party for Dummies graphic!
OK… hope that last comment went through… but just in case it didn’t..
Party on!
Tammy :):):)
Love the fry story! It sounds like something that would happen in my family! Thanks for stopping by my blog- this is my first blog party and what a great way to meet people!
I love this post – it’s fun when you leave a party feeling like you actually got to know the hostess! Those egg sleeeves are great. I remember doing something like then when I was a kid. I can’t wait to decorate eggs with my own children.
Thanks for stopping by my party. I often feel like people who have kids close in age (ie-your 23 months) have it harder. (At least after that first three months…) Mine do all the same types of things, play with the same types of toys, and are content at the same section of the playground. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I was late to the party and was not sure I’d meet anyone new, but I have and I am loving it. My plan is the read some blogs from the list tonight. Enjoy the rest of the party!
Great post! I love the eggs! Sign me up! Hope your enjoying the party! I’ve been meeting tons of new people! Hope to try to visit at least half of them before Friday! You never know when you may meet a forever friend. Pop by for a visit if you get a chance! Enjoy your day!
Hey, loved the Fry Toucher post! I’m a fry addict too so I can totally relate. Potato party, anyone??
Hey I realy enjoyed hanging out here and reading your stories about fry touching and visits to public schools. My favourite blog parties so far have been the ones with lots of links to other offshots.
You guys really rock! Thanks for all the comments! I look forward to coming back by to visit you all in the future.
thanks for stopping by my blog! I know what you mean about being addicted to the blog. I have been checking out party posts for the whole week…hmmmm maybe I should take care of dinner once in a while! I am excited too about all the great comments on my blog! Hope you are enjoying the party as much as me. Your children are beautiful and you seem like such a great mom. Take care and happy blogging!!
Crafty Mom 🙂
Neat eggs! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
-I didn’t realize I was supposed to keep track of how many comments I’d left! How the heck do I know how many I’ve left?! Lol! Drat! I started late so I’m not sure if I’ve made it to “20” yet. Probably more like 10. hmmmm…
love the egg sleeves…
thanks for stoppin by my blog!
love the egg sleeves…
thanks for stoppin by my blog!
Hello, nice to meet you. Welcome to the party, even though we are coming to the end. Hopefully I will see you again soon. Ps. I love the names of your cats! My uncle named his cat K.K.C.C. for kitty kitty cat cra… you know… :o)
Oh my gosh, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!
You are a hoot!! Can I come over and you can homeschool me too????;) lol I’ll bet you are one cool teacher!
The egg sleeves are gorgeous too! Neat gift!
Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could learn about yours!
Happy almost end of the Blog Party (sob!!)
Alyson @ 3 P’s in a Pod
Love those egg sleeves! Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me over to your party. LOVE what you’ve got going on and adding you to my Bloglines!
So enjoyed your site and you are so right, no way I can get to over 1000 blogs either so just doing my best. Love the eggs – so cool!
Have a blessed and super fun weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by this morning. Wow, I’ve had so much FUN reading your blog!
You are hilarious!!
I’d LOVE to have those egg sleeves, so just send them right on over! I have 3 grand-daughters that would love to hunt for them.
Hey, does going to Russia count for anything, the eggs will bring back good memories! He He…
Blessings to you, thanks for making this so much fun♥
Great way to tell your readers what a blog party is. You are so creative. Thanks for stopping by my blog party post. I saw your name and thought, “Now where have I seen that before?” Then it clicked when I read about your writing for The Heart of the Matter. Love all the ideas and inspiration I get from there.
Welcome to the party!
Hi there
Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying such nice things!
I have loved visiting so many blogs, but there are SO many now, I will never manage to see them all. So glad you found me )
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m the blog party equivalent of the one hovering by the food table to shy to mingle, apparently. I haven’t made it around to many blogs (darn ADHD!), but I’ve been enjoying visiting those who’ve stopped by mine. I’ll visit again. Love the egg sleeves!
Love the graphic! Happy partying!
Nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your post and the Dummies graphic. How funny. The guestbook will be on my website http://www.littleladybugdesigns.com on March 27-March 29 for the virtual baby shower.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. We really appreciate it!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog via the blog party. I gave up long ago visiting everyone’s blogs but I sure appreciate that you stopped at mine!
It was certainly interesting for me to read this article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.