I know you are wondering what that is all about… guess you’ll just have to click over and go read it!
Lots of important stuff! Great links! On your mark, set, go! Click the title of this post to get there!
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Homeschool Blog Awards, Cool Links, Movies, Blogging, Teens, Homeschool, Photos, Children
I googled Kings and Queens lesson plans and your blog popped up. I’m a homeschool mom from New York.
I’m in a little KONOS co-op group and we just had our Medieval Feast. It was so much fun!
I read your testimony and you’re an excellent writer, very open and very funny. Have you thought of submitting articles to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine?
Deb from NY
Thanks Deb! 😉 Sorry it took me months to reply. I didn’t have your email address and I couldn’t email you back formally. I appreciate your kind comments. 🙂 I do know some folks at TOS, but I’m spread too thin right now writing for 3 blogs as it is!!! 😉 Maybe someday…