I keep a playlist from my own music archives at my Lounge site, but I also enjoy this neat playlist music player:
Morgan posted about it on her blog tonight, too. Me and my girl were goofing off on her blog and managed to fix her background, add a pink playlist to the footer of her blog, and add her “Pet of the Month” button (finally) in her sidebar. Time is short for things like that around here – especially when school is frantic in the last few months of the school year.
We’re praying our school day is a success tomorrow. Today wasn’t so great since it was the first day back after two weeks off for our Robotrip.
Hopefully you are experiencing some smooth summer sailing in homeschool-land if that’s what you are up to. Stop in and leave us an encouraging note – or just chill out to our groovy tunes. You can also click the button for the pop-up player and continue browsing blogs with my playlist if you have to run! Take it with you if you want! Just pop it up in another window.
Have fun!
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Buzz Words: music, playlist, tunes, life, listen, parenting, homeschool, bad day, groovy, homeschoolers, personal
Neat! Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂