We were gone from last Thursday to yesterday, so we are unpacking and doing laundry today (and doing ‘school-lite’). After getting in at 10pm and getting so little sleep over the past few days our brains have turned into mud-puddles. I actually visited two states in the past 4 days, riding along with traveling buddies in a spur-of-the-moment trip. Daddypoo is traveling for work this week. We’re missing him; but glad for the time to get the house in order before our guests arrive this weekend. I’ve got several projects I’m working on to keep me busy. I’ll showcase one of them once it is finished (it’s a chore chart we are making ourselves). Maybe I’ll get a chance to post about that long list of stuff I mentioned Saturday night, too? I’ll be crossing it off as I go!
Hope you have a fabulous week… and if you are in want of some super links, Mrs. Dixon and Amy B have published some perfectly wonderful lists to keep you reading all day long!
See you tomorrow!
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Buzz Words: blogging, life, homeschool, conference, heart of the matter, education, homeschooling, online, HOTM, contest, free, winners, tickets, parenting, Christian, getting things done, personal, busy, family, motherhood