We created our own “Oasis” in the upstairs game room turned school room. That was the paint color’s name (we got it at Wal-Mart) that we did our color-wash with. A fitting name for a tropical turquoise blue. I still have it on my feet and fingers, but there’s only one tiny spot on the carpet. And I’m still married today since my husband hasn’t seen it yet. He comes home tomorrow. Need prayers.
The furniture is still in stacks in the middle of the room, and there is much housework to get done before said husband returns. These kinds of surprises need to be tempered with home-baked cookies, favorite hot meals waiting when the door opens, and a clean house to return to! Thankfully, at least my mother and the kids love it. The jury is still out with me. I haven’t ever been much of a “blue” person. Funny that everyone I love is a blue-lover. This particular teal happens to be my mother’s favorite color… and is almost the same color as my husband’s dreamy eyes.
My buddy Ammie and her talented photographer daughter helped me do most of the painting. The younger girls got in on the lower wall action as well. Ammie’s eldest took the pictures in this post. She’s a hip teenager with an artistic flare. I warned Ammie that if my husband arrived and hated the walls I was going to blame her for the entire event. She’s not scared. She likes living on the edge.
So what do you think of my ocean of blue? How would you like to do your homework, read, play x-box, blog, and watch movies in this multi-purpose teal-flavored family room?
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, project, home, Organizing, painting, decorating, Homeschool, home decor, Getting Things Done, teal, design, husband, walls, house, summer, life, personal, home school, declutter
*I* like it! I am such a sissy when it comes to picking out paint…or even painting at all! I will show up and HELP paint any time of day for any friend or family member… But purposely go and choose a paint color and purchase such things for my home? Only happened once when the kids came (Denim Blue) and then later we painted the other two bedrooms beige. Exciting huh?
Well, we are flip floppin’ rooms again to try and maximize our space and maybe…just maybe… I might paint! LOL! 🙂 Teal is pretty!
Enjoy…hopefully hubby won’t shoot you over the color OR the spot!
What a fun color! I think it should be inspiring, enthusiastic, and cool for homeschooling!
You go, girl!! 😀
I don’t think I would be brave enough for that color, but it is very pretty. I think it’s going to look great.
I like the color, but how does it look from afar? Is there new bedding or decor to match? Now I want to repaint as well!
I AM SO. LOVING. THIS. ROOM! 😉 I’m doing a happy dance. Hubby just got home and I think he likes it, too!
reminds me of Waikiki…
I LOVE it!!! It is like you are on vacation while you are living daily life! Sweet!!!
i like it. 🙂
been thinking of you a lot today… we’re in little rock, getting my sis to uams. i was trying to find a hotel at 10 o’clock at night and got majorly lost… ended up down by the river market, and was like, “Oh! I remember this place!” lol. i finally found my way back to the holiday inn on mccain blvd. *yawn* now i’m so sleepy! anywho…just thinking of you so i thought i’d check in. 🙂
Traci – Hubby likes it. 😉 He would have never let me do it if he were here, though. 🙂
Bunny – Cool for homeschooling, for sure! Anything is better than white. Well… maybe not anything. Puke green would be really awful.
Rhonda – Can’t wait to get the Flat Stanley back!
SisLisa – I want to see photos when you get it done.
Sunny – never been to Waikiki. Although, I have a photo from Maui on my blog and the water does look similar to this color in spots… come to think of it.
Jen – I never thought of it that way… but yeah, it is a cheery color.
Pufferfish Mommy – Praying for your sister. Wish I was there to hang out with you in AR.
Mmmmm I love the tropical turquoise blue. It can be so relaxing and energizing, depending on what you accessorize the room with!