The night before school starts…
And all through the house,
Not a child was happy;
Just frowning and pouts.
The papers weren’t sorted.
Unfinished were plans.
Homeschool teacher wasn’t ready.
She was wringing her hands.
Her desk was all filthy.
Co-op dues were not paid.
She was missing a math book,
And still old papers to grade.
Pile upon pile ~
Of things to complete…
Clutter to tackle ~
And people to meet.
It seemed if this school year
Was to succeed not.
And that’s when it hit her ~
She then had a thought…
Maybe I’ll start off the first day tomorrow;
After a back-to-school breakfast to share,
With smiles and discussion of goals for the school year –
But FIRST, a wholehearted back-to-school PRAYER.
~ by Sprittibee
I’m off on a wing and a prayer tomorrow… and I’m quite certain that is all I will need to start this year off well. There’s time to tackle the “rest” later. I hope your school year starts well. All you need is HIM.
“When we started homeschooling, I felt as if I tucked a child under each arm and jumped off a cliff. Imagine my surprise to discover we had wings!” ~ Maura Seger
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” ~ Proverbs 19:21
This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” ~ Isaiah 48:17
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” ~ Proverbs 16:9
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Buzz Words: Homeschool, Teaching, Parenting, Education, Christianity, Homeschool Mom, Back to School, Prayer, Poetry
This is exactly how I feel tonight!
Hope tomorrow goes well for your family.
“I’m off on a wing and a prayer tomorrow… and I’m quite certain that is all I will need to start this year off well. There’s time to tackle the “rest” later. I hope your school year starts well. All you need is HIM.”
Excellent and true words about homeschooling (as well as anything else in life). I’ll probably print this off as I juggle homeschooling with all that I have going on right now. Thanks, Sprittibee!
Hey! I nominated you for a blog award (or two)
Love it!
Amen, sweetie! Know that you're not in this alone. I love the last verse you listed from Proverbs – I refer to it often. My other oft-used verse? We have to still ourselves to hear ~
"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left." Isaiah 30:21
Fortunately, God is bigger than all of us homeschooling moms & dads, and His plans are awesome. Not only that, He will redeem and bless our efforts, in spite of ourselves.
One more for the road: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Great post
Enjoy your year!
Cute poem, kudos to you.
Next year we will HAVE to do a back to school breakfast! Oh wait… We were going to go year round. Hmmm… Well we will have to take a break after we complete our grades (One first grader and two second graders) in May. I guess we’ll do it then! 🙂
Your poem is so my house!!! I can’t believe that anyone else is like me!!!
Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!!!
After three years of homeschooling, I still catch myself forgetting to start the day in prayer every once in a while. I catch myself a few hours into the day when one of the children or myself is starting to slink into a bad attitude. Or shall I say God catches me and reminds me. He never forgets!
Most importantly the prayer!!
Great back to school poem….the breakfast looks delicious.
Grandma Starr
Enjoyed your poem! My son so looked forward to starting, but my daughter grumbled a bit. They’ve both been doing well, though.
I asked my daughter if she would prefer to go to public school but her answer was, “No. That would just mean I had to do what I don’t want longer each day.”
What a wonderful poem, you’re just so clever! LOL I love the quotes you’ve included as well. Thank you for the encouragement. We’re very much in the same boat! 😉
Loved the poem! We start Tuesday, & I feel semi-prepared! I just read a quote today about homeschooling from a Yahoo group I'm a part of:
"So when you are tempted to be discouraged or feel unqualified, remember Moses. And Moses' God. He has called and prepared you for this very journey. He doesn't call the equipped; he equips the called."
Have a blessed week!