A friend of mine has some family that regularly goes to China. They enjoy bringing back little toys and cookies for everyone when they return. It was neat during the Olympics (although we didn’t get to watch) to take a box of these cookies to our small group church meeting. Many of their desserts are made with green tea. Sounds strange, but they are really tasty. My favorite was the green tea crisp (top) – which actually has a crispy, light wafer and a brittle-type sweet nut topping that has a slight hint of curry. If you like Indian food and mild Mid-Eastern sweets (like Baklava), you would love these cookies. Who knows, maybe you can get them at your Asian grocer?
Sorry for the totally off topic post today, but I’m on my way out the door for a doctor appointment and Choir for the kids. Hopefully we’ll get to hear the heartbeat today. Tomorrow is officially week 11 for the gummy bear.
Have a super day – hopefully it will go better than yesterday’s homeschooling! If you were reading my twitter messages, you’ll know that we had a rotten day yesterday! Maybe it is just the devil on the kids’ backs for making the decision to follow Jesus. Stranger things have happened.
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Buzz Words: food, China, parenting, life, faith, Christianity, children, homeschooling, Jesus, family, Christian, cookies, update, random, pregnancy, OBGYN, motherhood, parenting, baby
Hope your entire day is hugely blessed. Nope, Satan doesn’t want us having any sort of victory, spiritually, in homeschooling, or anywhere else. So of course, the attack comes. I think yesterday was just marked on the calendar to be trouble – for a lot of people.
Have a joy-filled, happy, blessed day!
This morning was rough for us! Do your kids sometimes just refuse to do school or get an attitude when they don’t want to do what you tell them? This is all new for me! I kept reminding my daughter that kindergarten homeschool doesn’t take long – the sooner we get it done, the sooner she gets to do what she wants to do. Later in the day I realized that by saying this – she may just hurry through her work. Any advice would be welcome!! Thanks!
I would love to suggest a book for you – to save you from schooling in the box like I did for a long time when the babies were little…
Cindy Rushton: A Charlotte Mason Primer
Educating the WholeHearted Child – Clay and Sally Clarkson
Kindergarten is such a blessed and wonderful time – make sure you include lots and lots of play and reading. Don’t make your lessons long. Don’t make the time at the table doing written work long. REVEL in your sweet child. You’ll blink and tomorrow she’ll be 9… and then 16… and then gone!
In Christ,